Carter Wrenn
Gary Pearce
One thing I enjoy about this blog is learning how Carter and his political crowd see the world. It’s a lot different from how my crowd sees it. I mention this because it drives some of my friends crazy that I associate in any way with Carter. One said he avoided me for two years because…
Read MoreGary’s progressive but he’s also old-fashioned so a year ago when he said, ‘You know, you ought to use Twitter’– he surprised me. ‘I expect,’ I said, ‘Twitter’s too young for my blood.’ ‘Use it like an old-fashioned clipping service,’ he said. Back in the old days, in the dark ages before…
Read MoreHere’s some sincere transition advice for Governor-elect McCrory – from somebody who’s been there: Focus on your key staff first, then your Cabinet. Every incoming Governor and President makes a big show about Cabinet appointments. Too often, they short-shift their key staff. Two examples: The Chief of Staff and the Communications Director will…
Read MoreThe biggest demographic problem for the Republican Party may not be Hispanics, but cities – and increasing urbanization. In 2012, Democrats won in cities, and Republicans won outside the cities. The more urban a state’s population, the more likely it voted for Obama. Unfortunately for Republicans – in North Carolina and nationally –…
Read MoreWhen I read in the newspaper that the House Republican Leadership had given four Congressmen the boot, kicking them off their committees, for not loyally voting with the leadership I thought, Those guys must have been voting with the Democrats – but then I read one of the four Congressmen was Walter Jones the most…
Read MoreA veteran Raleigh observer says “Governor-elect Pat McCrory is off to a surprisingly rough start.” Here’s the TAPster’s critique: “He’s a seasoned politician but acts like an amateur (or a Wake school board member). Here are three examples of conflict where he should’ve known better: “The N&O busted him for not quitting…
Read MoreUp in Washington, right after Obama won reelection, House Speaker John Boehner held a press conference to announce he’d seen the light and was ready to compromise and accept more tax revenues (which translated from political speak into plain English means higher taxes). Next the House Republicans set off in hot pursuit of…
Read MoreAs their time in office winds down, Governors and Presidents often come down with LLS – Legacy-Leaving Syndrome. Symptoms include a sudden fever to leave on a high note, a thirst to do something big and memorable. Side effects include a tendency to overreach (see Haley Barbour and Bill Clinton). LLS actually can…
Read MoreIt was like watching the rerun of a bad old black and white movie: Obama won reelection then, the next day, at a press conference in Washington John Boehner stood up and announced he was ready to compromise and accept new taxes â but only on one condition. Obama had to accept big spending cuts.…
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