Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Last week McCrory got up at a press conference in Raleigh, lambasted Walter Dalton’s negative ads, then said he’d sued two of Dalton’s Democratic supporters for slander, but, then, it turned out McCrory hadn’t sued anyone – all he’d done was file a two page form called an ‘Intent to Sue’ which to any attorney…
Read MoreWRAL News received a tip about Medicaid fraud in Governor Perdue’s mammoth Department of Health and Human Services, then spent weeks pouring over stacks of Medicaid bills, then reported the department had run amok again. For instance: WRAL found one licensed therapist, a psychologist, whose name was “linked to 22,984 hours of therapy last…
Read MoreDavis is Pat McCrory’s ad man. He made headlines recently for advocating controversial ads attacking President Obama over Jeremiah Wright, as Carter noted in his blog below, “The Pirates and a Chicago Billionaire.” Democrats, predictably, are calling for McCrory to fire Davis. Hold the mayo. Maybe it would be better for Walter Dalton if…
Read MoreA TAPster wrote to express his rage over news that John Edwards took in a ball game while the jury deliberated this week: “Law-abiding citizens are summoned away from their jobs and families to be sequestered for weeks on end to decide if John Edwards has committed campaign fraud, in addition to the other…
Read MoreThese two political consultants from Hollywood go to Chicago and tell a billionaire they have a sure fire way to whip Obama by tying him to Reverend Jeremiah Wright and all they need is $10 million – then, next, before the billionaire writes a check, the consultant’s fifty-four page plan lands in the New York…
Read MoreRepublican operatives and political reporters alike are busy arguing that President Obama will have a tough time winning North Carolina this year. They’re right, to a point. But they’re missing the point: As long as we’re debating Obama’s chances of winning North Carolina, Obama is winning the presidential race. Obama does not have…
Read MoreTwo political consultants sat arguing at the next table. The Democrat said, It’s like the mystery of the dog that didn’t bark in the night, then the Republican said, The reason the dog didn’t bark is simple – because Thom Tillis didn’t do anything wrong, then the Democrat said, He fired two aides for unethical…
Read MoreA TAPster had this interesting take on Governor Perdue’s “Mississippi” comment about the gay-marriage vote: “What some North Carolinians may find offensive about the governor’s remarks is that 61% of the voters have spoken, and in a democracy, that is how we establish public policy, so why should our governor publicly chastise the 61%…
Read MoreDemocrats think they’ve found a weakness in Pat McCrory – one that can be fatal in a politician: thin skin. Oddly, it’s the same sensitivity Mitt Romney showed when the Obama campaign raised questions about his business career. Romney took it as a personal attack. McCrory reacted the same way to the Tree.com ad.…
Read MoreCurmudgeonly Cajun James Carville says Democrats just need to “roll over and play dead” and wait…
Read MoreTrump raised tariffs. Said tariffs are beautiful. The next day, about facing, said automakers didn’t have…
Read MoreA legend in politics, with a sneaky streak but a kind heart, Paddy sat down in…
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