Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
It sounds like a Seal Team Six operation: “As North Carolina Republicans tell it, the Obama for America volunteers stole in under cover of night and stayed, undetected — noticed belatedly only because of election results across the state.” That’s the New York Times account – “Team Obama Gears Up for 2012” – of…
Read MoreA year from now, Republicans or Democrats will be celebrating victory in the Presidential race. But a recent breakfast exchange suggests neither side is confident now: A Republican: “Romney is bound to get the nomination, and he won’t excite the Republican base. Obama will win, he’ll carry North Carolina, and he’ll pull Perdue in…
Read MoreIt’s my favorite holiday. No presents, no carols, no decorating (until you start on Christmas), just food and family. Also, for me this year, some golf and the State basketball and football games. It’s the quintessential American celebration. Plus, it’s always on Thursday. So you get a guaranteed four-day weekend, or maybe five,…
Read MoreHere’s a TAPster’s interesting talk on the flap about how many job layoffs the legislature caused: “Sometimes it’s hard to tell who has better aim at their feet these days, the Democrats or the Republicans — and whether there’s anyone out there holding them accountable for their poor politics or obfuscating rhetoric. The latest…
Read MoreNews that the investigation has been reopened into Natalie Wood’s death recalls what might have been. As a young man, I had a serious case of the hots for Natalie. Some years later, around 1981 or so, she was in the Triangle filming “Brainstorm,” which would be her last movie. Governor Hunt, then…
Read MoreFor all my digital-media enthusiasm, I still have one foot firmly planted in the old media world. Especially when I can spend a fine Sunday morning perusing the N&O and New York Times. And especially when it leads to a realization like yesterday’s: North Carolina will have a war over fracking in 2012. …
Read MoreEverybody’s talking about the 99 percent and the 1 percent. I’m interested in the 9 percent: the percentage of Americans that polls say approve of Congress’ performance. Who are these people? What are thinking? And what will the percentage be when the congressional budget supercommittee, as appears inevitable, fails to reach a Grand…
Read MoreThe country’s up to our eyeballs in debt. Congress is on the verge of cutting defense spending $600 billion. And one way or another just about everybody in Washington is looking for ways to cut, cut, cut. Except one fellow. Barack Obama’s opening a new military base to defend… …in…
Read MoreWant to see how important North Carolina will be in the 2012 presidential race? Read this New York Times dive into how the Obama Administration backed down on tougher smog-ozone standards. Especially this: “One of the strongest appeals (against tougher rules) came from North Carolina, a state Mr. Obama narrowly won in 2008. The…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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