Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
For Republicans it was like old times – just when they were getting into a funk because they won’t have Governor Perdue fumbling through press conferences anymore, instead of riding quietly in the sunset the Governor held one last press conference. And it was like manna from heaven. Senator Phil Berger (meta-phorically) let out a…
Read MoreMaybe I should be more forgiving when it comes to naming a building for Jesse Helms. Maybe I should let the past go, let bygones be bygones and let go of old grudges. No way. Helms was a racist. He was a gay-baiter. He was a hater. On television and in the Senate,…
Read MoreThere’s a lot of talk up in Washington these days about compromise: President Obama’s ready to compromise and John Boehner’s ready to compromise but, so far, amid all the cooing no one’s laid a deal on the table so it’s hard to tell if Congressmen and Senators are going to say, Gosh, that compromise is…
Read MoreEric Mansfield is emerging as a leading challenger to David Parker for state Democratic chair. The one-term state Senator from Fayetteville – and unsuccessful candidate for lieutenant governor in this year’s primary – is sounding out Democrats about seeking the post. Mansfield’s boosters see him as a fresh face who can energize the…
Read MoreThe 2012 election and its aftermath show how sharply – and bitterly – divided we are in America. Elections are no longer choices between candidates or debates about issues. They are holy wars between Red and Blue America. Ferrel Guillory at the UNC School of Journalism recommended an excellent book about this split:…
Read MoreA TAPster – and Appalachian State student – responds to the N&O’s story about sociology professor Jammie Price: “The film she showed was a sociological examination of the porn industry. Very mainstream film that would really only be offense to a very young child. She is a SOCIOLOGY PROFESSOR. And it was a higher-level…
Read MoreSo this whole Libya flap is about what our UN Ambassador said on Sunday talk shows? That’s what has Senators McCain and Graham and the Republican Party in high dudgeon? Not security in Libya. Not what the American deaths portend for our role there. But talking points for a Sunday talk show. Let’s…
Read MoreWas Governor-elect McCrory for Governor Perdue’s Dix plan before he was against it? A well-wired TAPster says yes. The source – whom I’ve always found to be reliable and knowledgeable – said Governor Perdue ran her plan by McCrory and Art Pope before announcing it. She thought she had their support. But Senator…
Read MoreTom sues Dick. Dick spends $2 million to elect Harry judge. Harry wins. And rules in Dick’s favor in the lawsuit. Sound rotten? Try this: The Democrats sue the Republicans to stop redistricting (and name Republican House and Senate leaders Thom Tillis and Phil Berger as defendants). The Republicans raise $2 million to elect…
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