The New York Times… on Libya
March 29, 2011 - by
There was an article in the New York Times the other morning by a fellow named Max Boot who works with the influential Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Boot’s got the war in Libya all figured out. He says he’s wanted the United States to attack Libya for weeks and finally Obama’s done exactly what he wanted but instead of being elated he’s worried.
What’s Mr. Boot worried about?
He’s worried the rebels may not defeat Gadhafi’s army, he’s worried about how to set up a post Gadhafi state, and he’s worried the bad guys will take over and send Islamic fanatics to fight in Iraq.
There are bad guys among the rebels? Somebody should have told us that before we started bombing Libya.
Anyway, Mr. Boot has a solution: He says we should send in the Marines, then, he adds, all that remains to be done is sending a long-term international peace keeping force for maybe a decade or two.
Libya’s beginning to sound more and more like Iraq and Afghanistan.

The New York Times… on Libya
March 29, 2011/

There was an article in the New York Times the other morning by a fellow named Max Boot who works with the influential Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Boot’s got the war in Libya all figured out. He says he’s wanted the United States to attack Libya for weeks and finally Obama’s done exactly what he wanted but instead of being elated he’s worried.
What’s Mr. Boot worried about?
He’s worried the rebels may not defeat Gadhafi’s army, he’s worried about how to set up a post Gadhafi state, and he’s worried the bad guys will take over and send Islamic fanatics to fight in Iraq.
There are bad guys among the rebels? Somebody should have told us that before we started bombing Libya.
Anyway, Mr. Boot has a solution: He says we should send in the Marines, then, he adds, all that remains to be done is sending a long-term international peace keeping force for maybe a decade or two.
Libya’s beginning to sound more and more like Iraq and Afghanistan.