Sunday Talking Points
November 29, 2012 - by
So this whole Libya flap is about what our UN Ambassador said on Sunday talk shows? That’s what has Senators McCain and Graham and the Republican Party in high dudgeon?
Not security in Libya. Not what the American deaths portend for our role there. But talking points for a Sunday talk show.
Let’s make a deal with these enraged Senators: Drop this, get back to work and we won’t investigate every time you lie, mislead or misspeak on a Sunday talk show.
Posted in General, National Republicans

Sunday Talking Points
November 29, 2012/

So this whole Libya flap is about what our UN Ambassador said on Sunday talk shows? That’s what has Senators McCain and Graham and the Republican Party in high dudgeon?
Not security in Libya. Not what the American deaths portend for our role there. But talking points for a Sunday talk show.
Let’s make a deal with these enraged Senators: Drop this, get back to work and we won’t investigate every time you lie, mislead or misspeak on a Sunday talk show.
Posted in General, National Republicans