Puffed Up
July 25, 2013 - by
The N&O’s striking front-page photo of Speaker Thom Tillis looks like a caricature of a pompous, puffed-up politician.
Now, all of us have been captured on film in less-than-flattering poses. But not on the front page. And not at a time and in a way that seems to capture all the things that people hate about politicians – and that a lot of North Carolinians hate about this legislature.
I ran into a Republican lobbyist who thought the picture did perfect justice to Tillis. I would have been surprised, but it’s not the first time I’ve heard Republicans speak ill of the Speaker. Unlike Senator Phil Berger, Tillis doesn’t seem to have helped himself this session with his own party. You can see that ill-will in the Forum section of this blog.
This on top of recent stories about national Republican operatives looking for another U.S. Senate and not-so-subtly questioning Tillis’ political skills.
For a guy who started out on top and with big plans, Tillis looks like a big loser this session.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

Puffed Up
July 25, 2013/

The N&O’s striking front-page photo of Speaker Thom Tillis looks like a caricature of a pompous, puffed-up politician.
Now, all of us have been captured on film in less-than-flattering poses. But not on the front page. And not at a time and in a way that seems to capture all the things that people hate about politicians – and that a lot of North Carolinians hate about this legislature.
I ran into a Republican lobbyist who thought the picture did perfect justice to Tillis. I would have been surprised, but it’s not the first time I’ve heard Republicans speak ill of the Speaker. Unlike Senator Phil Berger, Tillis doesn’t seem to have helped himself this session with his own party. You can see that ill-will in the Forum section of this blog.
This on top of recent stories about national Republican operatives looking for another U.S. Senate and not-so-subtly questioning Tillis’ political skills.
For a guy who started out on top and with big plans, Tillis looks like a big loser this session.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans