Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Lt. Governor Beverly Perdue just rolled out an ‘old chestnut’ as she launches her campaign for Governor. She says she wants to appoint a new government ‘efficiency commission’. It’s hard to say whether the Lt. Governor is an eternal optimist of a hard-bitten cynic. The last three governors all had ‘efficiency commissions’ of their own,…
Read MorePresident Bush’s much heralded ‘surge’ in Iraq has withered down to a ‘bump.’ Instead of sending forty-thousand more soldiers to Baghdad, according to the State Department we’re planning to send fifteen or twenty-thousand. Three or four combat brigades. Why not three or four divisions? If sending more soldiers to Iraq is valid logic, why not…
Read More“A new direction” is the Bush Administration’s latest grasp for an Iraq message. But there are only two directions: In deeper Or out. And Bush is headed the wrong way. To comment, send us an email to comment@talkingaboutpolitics.com.
Read MoreMy wife and daughter were happy to see Speaker Pelosi sworn in. I’m sure a lot of women felt the same way. So many, in fact, that we could see Madam President sworn in two years from now. Dick Morris – who may or may not be an expert on women – has written that…
Read MoreAfter Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong took the oath of office for a new term, apparently, the press was complaining about not being allowed to attend the ceremony, asking if it violated the Open Meetings laws. Judge Orlando Hudson, who swore in Nifong, then became the first government official in quite a while to say…
Read MoreWhile Judge Hudson was making common sense, Mayor Meeker was headed in the opposite direction. The Mayor told the News and Observer (1-3-07) he has “considered” running for the United States Senate against Elizabeth Dole, but decided there is more a mayor in a bustling city like Raleigh can do than a Senator. So he’s…
Read MoreThe Associated Press just took one of its perennial New Year’s Eve polls, asking questions like “Who was the biggest villain this past year?” George Bush was the biggest villain. More Americans said President Bush was a villain, than said Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran’s nuclear arms building President) and Kim Jong…
Read MoreNorth Carolina Congressman Patrick McHenry is the early favorite for this Congress’ Newt Gingrich Hysterical Hypocrisy Award. “Waving his hands and stomping his feet,” according to news reports, McHenry decried House Democrats’ plans to quickly act on their key priorities. Such as ethics reform, stem cell research and raising the minimum wage. Railed McHenry: “If,…
Read MoreLast fall, defense attorney Tommy Manning did what appeared to be a clever thing. He got a case against his client, a Durham policeman accused of assaulting a short-order cook in the parking lot of Blinko’s Restaurant, dismissed on a technicality. But it turns out Manning wasn’t so clever after all. He told Judge Debra…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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