Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Two reasons: the speech he gave this week and his record. In 2008, Obama had a gift for giving exactly the right speech at exactly the right campaign moment. He did it again yesterday with his speech echoing Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal (Click here for the full text): “I believe that this country…
Read MoreThere’s something almost mystic about the numbers. We call 911 when we’re in trouble. America remembers – and avenges 9/11. Herman Cain had 9-9-9. Now the numbers have a new political significance: the 99 percent and the 1 percent. People who say the Occupy movement had little impact miss how it imprinted…
Read MoreUp north in the land of the Yankees, about a decade ago New York hired Computer Services Corporation to process its Medicaid payments. But there was a hitch, according to the New York State Comptroller: The corporation’s computer system was “so inefficient and unable to detect deception” it’s allowed hundreds of millions in bogus payments.…
Read MoreIt’s hard to tell whether Governor Perdue’s deal with the Indians proves you can sell a Democratic Governor just about anything by saying it’ll help education or whether it proves our Democratic Governor figures she can sell the rest of us just about anything by saying it’ll help education. Last Tuesday, the Governor announced…
Read MoreLast week Republicans were chortling over campaign-law indictments of Democrats. Now they’re complaining about a campaign-law probe of Pat McCrory’s 2008 campaign. Welcome to the NFL, and strap on your helmets. From now on, every campaign is going to be under scrutiny for potential violations – not just by the state, but also by…
Read MoreHerman Cain may heed my wish and stay in the presidential race, but he has fallen prey to a political form of termites that I call MOHOPs – for headlines and stories that begin “Members of His/Her Own Party….” In Cain’s case, MOHOPs are fellow Republicans who say things like “he’s a zombie; he’s…
Read MoreBill Faison is like a boxer who took a knockout swing, missed and left himself wide open for the counterpunch. The day after Monday’s indictments, Faison told Laura Leslie at WRAL-TV: “I think, ultimately, Gov. Perdue will do the right thing and decide not to run. I don’t believe you’ll ever see her file.” …
Read MoreSpermin’ Herman Cain needs to ignore the lamestream media – and the parade of women – and stay in the presidential race. It will be a sad campaign without him. His entertainment value knows no bounds. What would this year have been like without his electrified border fence, his halting uncertainty about Libya and…
Read MoreMonday’s campaign-finance indictments gave everybody something. Republicans, of course, are chortling over the potential problems for Governor Perdue. Although, notably, Reps. David Lewis and Skip Stam sounded cautionary notes over how hard it can be to interpret campaign laws. As well they should, for some Republican will get tripped up. Count on it. …
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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