Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
In politics, you’re never beaten until you give up. Governor Perdue is now officially beaten. She proclaims she’ll keep fighting and she’s no lame duck. She apparently gave a rousing speech to the Sanford-Hunt-Frye dinner. Still, she’s laying down her sword and walking off the field of battle. No doubt she feels beat…
Read MoreI’m just back from a week-long cruise to the western Caribbean – Grand Cayman, Honduras and Mexico. Did I miss anything? I’ll be catching up and weighing in. Plenty of material from last week! Thanks to Luther Snyder, Nation Hahn and the anonymous bloggers for their great contributions last week. They set a…
Read MoreWith Governor Perdue’s announcement that she will not seek reelection the North Carolina political landscape has shuffled quickly. As of today, candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor (with Walter Dalton’s entry into the Governor’s race) have 107 days to raise money, reach voters, and win a statewide primary. This compressed schedule is unprecedented in North…
Read MoreExplaining that his chances of winning reelection look dim, this morning Democratic Congressman Brad Miller announced he will not run. About an hour later Governor Beverly Perdue explained that, because the one thing she cares most about is schoolchildren (who, she added, are victims of Republican legislators cutting spending), she’s not running either. …
Read MoreGary is taking a break this week from consulting, blogging and politics. He invited several TAPsters to contribute blogs during his hiatus. Here’s one of them: Art Pope likely has never thought of himself as allied with the oft-bashed-as-liberal news media, but the mainstream media has succeeded in giving undeserved credibility to Pope’s squadron of…
Read MoreGary is taking a break this week from consulting, blogging and politics. He invited several TAPsters to contribute blogs during his hiatus. Here’s one of them: Mitt Romney’s reluctance to turnover his tax returns proves yet again how important it is to FALL FORWARD FAST in politics. What started out as a refusal by Romney…
Read MoreSomeone ought to say a kind word about Ron Paul – after all, he may be the last of an almost extinct species in American public life: An honest politician. A politician who doesn’t spin at all. Ask Newt about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and he’ll tell you they paid him for…
Read MoreGary is taking a break this week from consulting, blogging and politics. He invited several TAPsters to contribute blogs during his hiatus. Here’s one of them: One of the most distasteful and useless public policy efforts in North Carolina is underway, and hardly anyone knows it. The NC Center for Public Policy Research…
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