Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Here’s proof super PACs are evil: political consultants love them. And the John Edwards of evil super PAC consultants is none other than Fred Davis – creator of the “atheist” ad that shamed Elizabeth Dole, Pat McCrory’s admaker and the genius behind the much-maligned Jeremiah Wright attack on President Obama. (Even Mitt Romney had…
Read MoreFirst the Republicans called Walter Dalton ‘Bev Perdue, Jr.’ Then the Democrats called Pat McCrory a skunk who as Mayor of Charlotte lobbied to get government money for a company that paid him $140,000. Then McCrory’s lawyers threatened to rain legal mayhem on the TV stations if they ran the Democrats’ slanderous ad, and…
Read MoreOne thing is clear from the John Edwards trial, a second thing is much less clear and a third will play out over time. What is clear, after days of mind-numbing retelling of the sordid tale, is that Edwards did terrible things. And so did several other characters. The prosecutors did a fine job…
Read MoreAt dinner the other night two lawyers and a priest were arguing about the John Edwards trial and one said, A juror would have to be blind to believe John Edwards when he says he didn’t take that million dollars from those two billionaires to hide his affair from voters. The second lawyer nodded…
Read MoreMitt and Ann Romney this week contributed $150,000 to his campaign. Apparently they found the money under the sofa cushions in one of their houses and needed a place to put it.
Read MoreThe next time Pat McCrory answers reporters’ questions, he should be asked: “You say you want to get rid of the politics-as-usual system in Raleigh. Will you follow the example Speaker Tillis set with his staff?”
Read MoreThom Tillis once looked like a formidable statewide candidate. First he overcame the birthers, flat-earthers and Skip Stam to get elected Speaker. He ran the House with crisp – if sometimes heavy-handed – efficiency. He went on a statewide tour that gave him an aura of openness. He seemed to have something of a…
Read MoreThe breakfast talk turned to John Edwards’ trial – and to a recent PBS special on President Clinton. Someone asked: “Is George Holding going to go down in history as the Kenneth Starr of North Carolina politics?” Starr will forever be remembered as the obsessed special prosecutor who produced a detailed, explicit examination of…
Read MoreWalter Dalton got good news this week: Public Policy Polling showed he had narrowed the gap with Pat McCrory. That’s the natural result of his primary-winning TV ads and the spotlight that comes with victory. Then Dalton got bad news: A big Republican Governors Association TV buy attacking him. But Dalton’s gun is…
Read MoreCurmudgeonly Cajun James Carville says Democrats just need to “roll over and play dead” and wait…
Read MoreTrump raised tariffs. Said tariffs are beautiful. The next day, about facing, said automakers didn’t have…
Read MoreA legend in politics, with a sneaky streak but a kind heart, Paddy sat down in…
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