A Hung Jury

At dinner the other night two lawyers and a priest were arguing about the John Edwards trial and one said, A juror would have to be blind to believe John Edwards when he says he didn’t take that million dollars from those two billionaires to hide his affair from voters.
The second lawyer nodded but said, Yes but who, even if that’s exactly what Edwards did, wants to send him to jail for 30 years because he violated a campaign finance law – especially when his scheming backfired and all he accomplished was ruining himself.
I reckon, the first lawyer said, the women on the jury may think 30 years in prison is just about right for a man who had an affair while his wife had cancer.
Then the priest spoke up. Looking back on all that’s happened, he said shaking his head, there’s only one fitting ending for this tale – a hung jury.
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Carter Wrenn



A Hung Jury

At dinner the other night two lawyers and a priest were arguing about the John Edwards trial and one said, A juror would have to be blind to believe John Edwards when he says he didn’t take that million dollars from those two billionaires to hide his affair from voters.
The second lawyer nodded but said, Yes but who, even if that’s exactly what Edwards did, wants to send him to jail for 30 years because he violated a campaign finance law – especially when his scheming backfired and all he accomplished was ruining himself.
I reckon, the first lawyer said, the women on the jury may think 30 years in prison is just about right for a man who had an affair while his wife had cancer.
Then the priest spoke up. Looking back on all that’s happened, he said shaking his head, there’s only one fitting ending for this tale – a hung jury.
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Carter Wrenn

