Looking Back at Georgia

Our nightmare came true. Democrats won the Senate.

According to the exit polls more Republicans voted in Georgia than Democrats (Republicans: 38%, Democrats 34%) – which meant if the two Republican candidates each got 50% of the Independent vote, they’d each win by four points.

They lost Independents 57-43%.


Most people walking around on two legs have moral (religious) values, believing lying, cheating on your wife, abusing children, robbery, vanity, boasting are wrong.

They also have political values, stands on issues.

When a voter agrees with Trump on a political issue, but hears Trump tell a lie in the next breath, his moral values and political values collide head-on – and when that happens, even if he agrees with Trump on issues, he may well vote against him.

Trump made Georgia’s election about vote stealing; on election day he demanded Mike Pence throw out the Electoral College votes. But 58% of the Independents didn’t believe Trump when they heard him say the election was stolen – and 57% of the same Independents voted for the two Democratic candidates. Shaking their heads, after listening to Trump claim he’d won, they elected Democratic Senators in Georgia for the first time in twenty years.

Joe Biden is going to hand Republicans a basket full of issues – and on many of those issues Independents will disagree with Biden. But if Trump leads the fight to stop Biden history may repeat itself. Shaking their heads Independents may turn away – and elect Democrats.

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Carter Wrenn



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Looking Back at Georgia

Our nightmare came true. Democrats won the Senate.

According to the exit polls more Republicans voted in Georgia than Democrats (Republicans: 38%, Democrats 34%) – which meant if the two Republican candidates each got 50% of the Independent vote, they’d each win by four points.

They lost Independents 57-43%.


Most people walking around on two legs have moral (religious) values, believing lying, cheating on your wife, abusing children, robbery, vanity, boasting are wrong.

They also have political values, stands on issues.

When a voter agrees with Trump on a political issue, but hears Trump tell a lie in the next breath, his moral values and political values collide head-on – and when that happens, even if he agrees with Trump on issues, he may well vote against him.

Trump made Georgia’s election about vote stealing; on election day he demanded Mike Pence throw out the Electoral College votes. But 58% of the Independents didn’t believe Trump when they heard him say the election was stolen – and 57% of the same Independents voted for the two Democratic candidates. Shaking their heads, after listening to Trump claim he’d won, they elected Democratic Senators in Georgia for the first time in twenty years.

Joe Biden is going to hand Republicans a basket full of issues – and on many of those issues Independents will disagree with Biden. But if Trump leads the fight to stop Biden history may repeat itself. Shaking their heads Independents may turn away – and elect Democrats.

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Carter Wrenn

