Posts by Gary Pearce
Move on
Does Trump (“Tiny”) really think it’s right to get in a Twitter fight with a porn star (“Horseface”)? Does Mitch McConnell (“Turtle”) really think it’s right to say the deficit is so big (thanks to Republican tax cuts) that Congress has to cut Social Security and Medicare? Does Elizabeth Warren (“Pocahontas”) really think it’s right…
Read MoreThey’re cooperating!!
The Raleigh political world is abuzz and agog! The legislature and the Governor are cooperating! Democrats and Republicans are working together on hurricane relief!! Oh, happy day!!! Has a new age dawned? Have we entered an era of bipartisanship, brotherly love and dogs and cats living together? Not so fast, my friend. Pardon my cynicism,…
Read MoreMad Men
Just as Hurricane Florence upended the Carolinas, Hurricane Kavanaugh has upended the 2018 elections. Will there be a blue wave? Or will it look like that NASA photo of dark and dirty waters flooding into the ocean after Florence? It comes down to who is maddest. Is it women (and men who support them) energized…
Read MoreA Teaching Moment
I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. How can you not? Her testimony was powerful, persuasive and painful. She clearly was traumatized by what Brett Kavanaugh did to her. Her life was derailed. And now she has to go through this. If Republicans stick with Kavanaugh, they have only one way to go: “Well, what a…
Read MoreDisaster politics
Governor Cooper excelled at his first three tasks in the wake of Florence: command (resources), communicate (be safe) and comfort (we’re with you for the long haul). Now comes the long haul. And politics. And bureaucracy – federal, state and local. And inevitable human frustration at the pace of relief. Nearly 20 years ago, after…
Read MoreThe worst of times, the best of people
The worst times bring out the best in us. Before we go back to bashing each other over politics, let’s salute all those who rose to Florence. Salute first the responders who are always there first. Salute the thousands of volunteers who saved lives (human and animal), served meals and succored those in need. Salute…
Read MoreThe Gathering Storm
Carter once said a wave election is like a hurricane. You know it’s coming. But you don’t know if it’ll be a Category 1 or a 5. And you don’t know if it’ll hit Wilmington or Nags Head – or everywhere. We’ve got a big one coming at us now. We’ll worry about the election…
Read MoreLegislative wrecking crew
There’s nothing this legislature can’t screw up. The Constitution, redistricting, congressional elections, judicial elections – and that’s just this week. A TAPster noted, “If you had to return to your auto mechanic to correct his screwups as often as our legislators return to fix theirs, you’d get a new mechanic.” Congressional elections are in chaos,…
Read MoreMcCready and McCain
Listening to Dan McCready got me thinking about John McCain. Right after I posted yesterday’s blog, McCain and Trump, I went to a lunch for McCready. He’s running for Congress in the 9th District. When you hear 9th District, you probably think Charlotte. But the district stretches east to Robeson and Bladen counties. McCready had…
Read MoreMcCain and Trump
Both were part of the Vietnam generation. One served; the other didn’t. One was shot down over North Vietnam, imprisoned for over five years and tortured so brutally he couldn’t even comb his hair. The other had five draft deferments and bone spurs. And spends a lot of time combing his hair. One dedicated his…
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