Democratic leaders in Congress say they want to get us out of Iraq. Now. Asap. But look at the fine print in the bill they passed in Congress on July 12th. That’s not what it says at all. First, they don’t say pull out now. They say start to pull out. And they don’t say…
Read MoreI’m out of the country two weeks and the political world turns upside down. I had long assumed that my Democratic Party had the market cornered on sex scandals. From Wilbur Mills to Gary Hart to Bill Clinton. And that Republicans had the monopoly on money scandals. Warren Harding, Richard Nixon and Jack Abramoff. I…
Read MoreBecause of two stories about crimes I’m wondering what people think about ole’ Lucifer? Does he really exist? Both stories – about particularly brutal crimes – were reported in The News and Observer. The first was the Wake County District Attorney’s summation in the trial of Byron Waring, asking the jury to give Waring –…
Read MoreWhile Democrats have been plagued by money scandals (former House Speaker Jim Black, Rep. Thomas Wright and Rep. Mary McAlister) and DMV scandals (Director George Tatum’s abrupt resignation), Republicans – at least for the past week – seem fixated on sex. First, Rep. David Almond resigned amid rumors he had sexually harassed a state employee.…
Read MoreThe Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace, just told Congress the military is “weighing new directions for Iraq, including an even bigger troop buildup.” Before anyone gets all lathered up, what the army really seems to be doing is studying all the alternatives. Sending more men. Sending fewer. Leaving the same…
Read MoreYou have to say this for the Internet: It’s making life more dangerous for politicians. The whole foundation for Rudy Giuliani’s campaign for President is his record on 9-11. In that vein he recently boasted New York’s Firefighters “have no greater friend” than Giuliani (Cox News Service, 7-15-07). It turns out the Firefighters don’t agree.…
Read MoreFirst, the School Board’s Administrators got a black eye from the press for buying land without getting appraisals. Then they got one from the County Commissioners for raising their own salaries. Now they’ve gotten one from the U.S. Department of Education. Ten Wake County schools have failed to meet ‘No Child Left Behind’ standards, so…
Read MoreThe Wake County School Board got a second “black eye” from County Commissioners. Commissioner Kenn Gardner blasted the Board for reducing teacher pay raises at the same time it was boosting Administrative spending 11% – twice the increase in school enrollment. Not so, Chief Business Officer of the School Board David Neter, shot back. He…
Read MoreDemocrats in the State Legislature have handed Republicans a gift. Last year, four waste management companies proposed to build huge trash dumps in North Carolina, primarily so they can haul trash and debris here from up north and dump it. It’s hard to see any merit in this proposal unless you happen to live in…
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