Worlds Colliding?
August 14, 2012 - by
I live and breathe and walk in a middle-aged white male world and (except for Gary) I’ve hardly a friend who can even imagine Obama winning this election – in their bones they just know that can’t happen.
My Republican friends have also been euphoric since the last election and they’ve had little or no bad news since (at least politically) so they’re looking forward to the election this fall with anticipation but the mixture of politics and euphoria can turn into a deadly state of mind – and a tiny black cloud my have just sailed over the horizon.
CNN, Fox News and Reuters all had polls last week showing Obama widening his lead over Mitt Romney (to as much as nine points).
A Romney advisor dismissed the polls saying, “You’ve got to have something to precipitate that kind of sea change” – but how about a hundred million dollars in negative ads? Would that precipitate a sea change?
The Fox News poll showed Romney’s unpopularity rising five points (mostly with Independents) and Obama gaining four points on the ballot (mostly with Independents).
Mitt Romney is going to win and win big in my world but let’s face the music – my world doesn’t have enough oomph (politically) anymore to decide a Presidential election. Instead Obama’s reelection will be decided by a world of Independent voters younger than me, more modern than me, more tolerant than me and (hardest of all to grasp) a world decidedly more female than mine.

Worlds Colliding?
August 14, 2012/

I live and breathe and walk in a middle-aged white male world and (except for Gary) I’ve hardly a friend who can even imagine Obama winning this election – in their bones they just know that can’t happen.
My Republican friends have also been euphoric since the last election and they’ve had little or no bad news since (at least politically) so they’re looking forward to the election this fall with anticipation but the mixture of politics and euphoria can turn into a deadly state of mind – and a tiny black cloud my have just sailed over the horizon.
CNN, Fox News and Reuters all had polls last week showing Obama widening his lead over Mitt Romney (to as much as nine points).
A Romney advisor dismissed the polls saying, “You’ve got to have something to precipitate that kind of sea change” – but how about a hundred million dollars in negative ads? Would that precipitate a sea change?
The Fox News poll showed Romney’s unpopularity rising five points (mostly with Independents) and Obama gaining four points on the ballot (mostly with Independents).
Mitt Romney is going to win and win big in my world but let’s face the music – my world doesn’t have enough oomph (politically) anymore to decide a Presidential election. Instead Obama’s reelection will be decided by a world of Independent voters younger than me, more modern than me, more tolerant than me and (hardest of all to grasp) a world decidedly more female than mine.