Ryan’s Express

Soon the media will stop hyperventilating about Paul Ryan and get back to Obama vs. Romney. It always happens, unless the VP choice is a disaster. Remember: Sarah Palin’s selection put the Republicans ahead four years ago, until…well, you know.
For now, we sophisticated analysts ask: “What does the pick say” about the presidential candidate?
First, it says Romney was losing. Team Obama’s savage assault had taken its toll. Harry Reid’s he-didn’t-pay-taxes charge cut deep. Americans see Romney as a predatory vulture capitalist who can’t be trusted.
So he gambled on a, pardon the expression, game changer. Thereby giving Democrats a gift for Florida: “Vote Democratic. Save Medicare.”
Romney has given the Tea Party control of the Republican Party. So Democrats should welcome this debate.
The political class praises Ryan as a “serious thinker.” In truth, he’s just another Washington lifer: from staffer to congressman to champion fundraiser.
His budget plan will cut taxes for the rich, raise taxes on the middle class and shred the safety net.
And, by the way, the Congressional Budget Office says Ryan’s plan does NOT balance the budget for 30 years.
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Gary Pearce



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Ryan’s Express

Soon the media will stop hyperventilating about Paul Ryan and get back to Obama vs. Romney. It always happens, unless the VP choice is a disaster. Remember: Sarah Palin’s selection put the Republicans ahead four years ago, until…well, you know.
For now, we sophisticated analysts ask: “What does the pick say” about the presidential candidate?
First, it says Romney was losing. Team Obama’s savage assault had taken its toll. Harry Reid’s he-didn’t-pay-taxes charge cut deep. Americans see Romney as a predatory vulture capitalist who can’t be trusted.
So he gambled on a, pardon the expression, game changer. Thereby giving Democrats a gift for Florida: “Vote Democratic. Save Medicare.”
Romney has given the Tea Party control of the Republican Party. So Democrats should welcome this debate.
The political class praises Ryan as a “serious thinker.” In truth, he’s just another Washington lifer: from staffer to congressman to champion fundraiser.
His budget plan will cut taxes for the rich, raise taxes on the middle class and shred the safety net.
And, by the way, the Congressional Budget Office says Ryan’s plan does NOT balance the budget for 30 years.
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Gary Pearce

