Who’s With Pelosi?
Who’s With Pelosi?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be in
Specifically, will either Lt. Governor Beverly Perdue or Treasurer Richard Moore be there? How about that potential Vice Presidential candidate Mike Easley? Or Senate hopeful Kay Hagan?
If Perdue shows and
North Carolina Democrats have a way of making themselves scarce when nationally known Democratic liberals appear in the state. I remember one appearance Walter Mondale made here in 1984. Agriculture Commissioner Jim Graham was the highest-ranking Democrat able to find time to be with him.
It’s always interesting to see the excuses the politicians come up with. “Previous out-of-town engagement” is always popular. Even if it had to be hurriedly arranged after invitations were sent to Pelosi’s event.
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Who’s With Pelosi?

Who’s With Pelosi?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be in
Specifically, will either Lt. Governor Beverly Perdue or Treasurer Richard Moore be there? How about that potential Vice Presidential candidate Mike Easley? Or Senate hopeful Kay Hagan?
If Perdue shows and
North Carolina Democrats have a way of making themselves scarce when nationally known Democratic liberals appear in the state. I remember one appearance Walter Mondale made here in 1984. Agriculture Commissioner Jim Graham was the highest-ranking Democrat able to find time to be with him.
It’s always interesting to see the excuses the politicians come up with. “Previous out-of-town engagement” is always popular. Even if it had to be hurriedly arranged after invitations were sent to Pelosi’s event.
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