Who’s the Legislator with a Gun?
March 28, 2011 - by
Someone in the State House sure does like handguns. First, legislators sponsored a bill to allow folks to carry concealed pistols in bars and restaurants. Now there’s a bill to require cities to allow concealed guns in parks. And Representative Mark Hilton is sponsoring a class in the legislature on carrying concealed guns.
Legislators carrying concealed handguns – surely they have the right but, still, the idea leaves a feeling of discomfort. Maybe it’s the thought of sitting in a restaurant with a legislator who loves his pistol so much he has to carry it with him everywhere – but not being sure which of the fellows at the bar he is.

Who’s the Legislator with a Gun?
March 28, 2011/

Someone in the State House sure does like handguns. First, legislators sponsored a bill to allow folks to carry concealed pistols in bars and restaurants. Now there’s a bill to require cities to allow concealed guns in parks. And Representative Mark Hilton is sponsoring a class in the legislature on carrying concealed guns.
Legislators carrying concealed handguns – surely they have the right but, still, the idea leaves a feeling of discomfort. Maybe it’s the thought of sitting in a restaurant with a legislator who loves his pistol so much he has to carry it with him everywhere – but not being sure which of the fellows at the bar he is.