Who Runs the GOP?
September 15, 2011 - by
After the Tea Party debate this week, a Florida Tea Party leader put it bluntly: “The Republican Party isn’t going to pick the presidential nominee. We’re going to pick the presidential nominee.”
The candidates then fell all over each other to show their fealty to the crowd. A crowd that, when a moderator asked whether a critically ill young man without health insurance should be allowed to die, shouted “Yes!”
The animals seem to be running the Republican zoo in North Carolina, too.
A knowledgeable Republican told me that several GOP legislators didn’t want to vote for the gay marriage amendment. But, if they didn’t, they feared a caucus challenge to their leadership positions – and even a primary opponent.
They rationalized, as politicians will, that the bad they did will be outweighed by the good they can do by staying in power.
So they went along with a measure that insures North Carolina eight months of publicity as a state that demonizes gay people. That will certainly help attract new jobs and businesses!
Even Dick Cheney is OK with gay marriage: “I think freedom means freedom for everybody, and you ought to have the right to make whatever choice you want to make with respect to your own personal situation.”
We should get to know the people who really run the Republican Party. The way things are going, they’ll be running the country soon.

Who Runs the GOP?
September 15, 2011/

After the Tea Party debate this week, a Florida Tea Party leader put it bluntly: “The Republican Party isn’t going to pick the presidential nominee. We’re going to pick the presidential nominee.”
The candidates then fell all over each other to show their fealty to the crowd. A crowd that, when a moderator asked whether a critically ill young man without health insurance should be allowed to die, shouted “Yes!”
The animals seem to be running the Republican zoo in North Carolina, too.
A knowledgeable Republican told me that several GOP legislators didn’t want to vote for the gay marriage amendment. But, if they didn’t, they feared a caucus challenge to their leadership positions – and even a primary opponent.
They rationalized, as politicians will, that the bad they did will be outweighed by the good they can do by staying in power.
So they went along with a measure that insures North Carolina eight months of publicity as a state that demonizes gay people. That will certainly help attract new jobs and businesses!
Even Dick Cheney is OK with gay marriage: “I think freedom means freedom for everybody, and you ought to have the right to make whatever choice you want to make with respect to your own personal situation.”
We should get to know the people who really run the Republican Party. The way things are going, they’ll be running the country soon.