The Verdict
June 4, 2012 - by
John Edwards wasn’t found guilty, but the federal government certainly was – of overreach, incompetence or both.
Here’s how bad the U.S. Attorneys Office and Justice Department bungled: They indicted the most despised politician in America – a man a jury might want to convict just on general principle. The government throws at him everything it has – its immense investigative resources and prosecutorial power. They spend weeks in court rehashing every sin Edwards committed.
And can’t get a conviction on a single count.
It looks like Paul Coble was right. This was a giant waste of taxpayers’ money. And a giant abuse of federal power.

The Verdict
June 4, 2012/

John Edwards wasn’t found guilty, but the federal government certainly was – of overreach, incompetence or both.
Here’s how bad the U.S. Attorneys Office and Justice Department bungled: They indicted the most despised politician in America – a man a jury might want to convict just on general principle. The government throws at him everything it has – its immense investigative resources and prosecutorial power. They spend weeks in court rehashing every sin Edwards committed.
And can’t get a conviction on a single count.
It looks like Paul Coble was right. This was a giant waste of taxpayers’ money. And a giant abuse of federal power.