The Senate Primary

83% of voters – in a poll – said Taliban is a terrorist group and said Trump shouldn’t have negotiated with Taliban.

To elect Ted Budd, in an ad Trump says Budd’s always supported him – here’s a question Budd is bound to be asked: Do you think Taliban’s a terrorist group? Was Trump wrong to negotiate with terrorists?

If Budd says Trump was right to negotiate with Taliban – voters will shake their heads.

If Budd says Trump was wrong…Lord knows how Trump will react.


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Carter Wrenn




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The Senate Primary


83% of voters – in a poll – said Taliban is a terrorist group and said Trump shouldn’t have negotiated with Taliban.

To elect Ted Budd, in an ad Trump says Budd’s always supported him – here’s a question Budd is bound to be asked: Do you think Taliban’s a terrorist group? Was Trump wrong to negotiate with terrorists?

If Budd says Trump was right to negotiate with Taliban – voters will shake their heads.

If Budd says Trump was wrong…Lord knows how Trump will react.


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Carter Wrenn

