The Rules

A TAPster reminds me that Tuesday’s primaries reinforce the three rules of politics:
Rule 1: Money talks.
Rule 2: Never forget Rule 1.
Rule 3: There are no other rules in politics.
When Bob Etheridge conceded Tuesday night, he said he didn’t like raising money, but he sure enjoyed visiting 45 counties in the last few weeks of the campaign.
No, fundraising is no fun. But neither is making a concession speech.
Walter Dalton won because he raised the money. Linda Coleman won because SEANC and the SEIU plowed big money into her campaign. George Holding won because his family put hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super-PAC.
Do you see a pattern here?
Young people always ask how to get involved in politics. They want to write speeches, make policy and decide strategy. Here’s some advice: Learn to raise money. You’ll be the most valuable commodity in politics. And you’ll meet rich people who can help you in your next career.
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Gary Pearce



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The Rules

A TAPster reminds me that Tuesday’s primaries reinforce the three rules of politics:
Rule 1: Money talks.
Rule 2: Never forget Rule 1.
Rule 3: There are no other rules in politics.
When Bob Etheridge conceded Tuesday night, he said he didn’t like raising money, but he sure enjoyed visiting 45 counties in the last few weeks of the campaign.
No, fundraising is no fun. But neither is making a concession speech.
Walter Dalton won because he raised the money. Linda Coleman won because SEANC and the SEIU plowed big money into her campaign. George Holding won because his family put hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super-PAC.
Do you see a pattern here?
Young people always ask how to get involved in politics. They want to write speeches, make policy and decide strategy. Here’s some advice: Learn to raise money. You’ll be the most valuable commodity in politics. And you’ll meet rich people who can help you in your next career.
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Gary Pearce

