Baldwin Runs for Chair

I question Mary-Ann Baldwin’s sanity. But I hope she gets elected state Democratic Party chair. The party desperately needs someone who can raise hell, raise money and referee all the players this fall.
One of the worst political rumors I heard this week – and that covers a lot of ground – is that David Parker might try to get reelected chair Saturday. Presumably, he would finish the job he started of destroying the party’s chances this year.
Then Don Vaughan got into the race. But his membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council probably sinks his boat. Quitting ALEC now was too little, too late.
Baldwin would be a good face and voice for the party.
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Gary Pearce



Baldwin Runs for Chair

I question Mary-Ann Baldwin’s sanity. But I hope she gets elected state Democratic Party chair. The party desperately needs someone who can raise hell, raise money and referee all the players this fall.
One of the worst political rumors I heard this week – and that covers a lot of ground – is that David Parker might try to get reelected chair Saturday. Presumably, he would finish the job he started of destroying the party’s chances this year.
Then Don Vaughan got into the race. But his membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council probably sinks his boat. Quitting ALEC now was too little, too late.
Baldwin would be a good face and voice for the party.
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Gary Pearce

