The Republican Silence

Are the Republicans in Raleigh intent on ending the corruption in state government? It’s impossible to say. Because by and large they have been silent. The latest scandal involving Richard Moore is an example.

Just as Jim Black was leaving office and Democrats were praying they would never hear the words ‘pay to play’ again, Moore dashed their hopes. First the newspapers reported he had shaken down Wall Street investment firms – which he hires to manage the State Pension Fund – for $726,000 in campaign contributions. Then the Charlotte Observer (4-14-07) reported his staff has been taking junkets paid for by pension fund managers – like J.P. Morgan Chase and Company – to places like Paris, Prague and Shanghai.

Moore’s spokesman told the Observer with a straight face, “Informal settings are helpful for gathering information, eventually leading to higher returns for pension funds.”

One of Moore’s employee’s took a junket to La Playa Beach Resort on Florida’s posh Gulf Coast courtesy of J.P. Morgan. As a perk, as the conference organizers explained, she was given a catamaran sailing trip to “explore the beautiful barrier islands and watch dolphins play.”

Moore’s chief investment officer tried to explain that this way. “It’s a business meeting,” said Patricia Gerrick, “and part of this business meeting happened to take place on a catamaran ride.”

Before the sunset Republicans should have had that statement in a television ad that said, This is Richard Moore’s definition of ethics. Do you agree with him that catamaran rides lead to higher pension fund returns?

Instead they haven’t criticized Moore or introduced legislation to stop him and voters have taken their silence as a kind of consent. That’s why polls show when it comes to cleaning up corruption, voters don’t see much difference between Republicans and Democrats.

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Carter Wrenn



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The Republican Silence

Are the Republicans in Raleigh intent on ending the corruption in state government? It’s impossible to say. Because by and large they have been silent. The latest scandal involving Richard Moore is an example.

Just as Jim Black was leaving office and Democrats were praying they would never hear the words ‘pay to play’ again, Moore dashed their hopes. First the newspapers reported he had shaken down Wall Street investment firms – which he hires to manage the State Pension Fund – for $726,000 in campaign contributions. Then the Charlotte Observer (4-14-07) reported his staff has been taking junkets paid for by pension fund managers – like J.P. Morgan Chase and Company – to places like Paris, Prague and Shanghai.

Moore’s spokesman told the Observer with a straight face, “Informal settings are helpful for gathering information, eventually leading to higher returns for pension funds.”

One of Moore’s employee’s took a junket to La Playa Beach Resort on Florida’s posh Gulf Coast courtesy of J.P. Morgan. As a perk, as the conference organizers explained, she was given a catamaran sailing trip to “explore the beautiful barrier islands and watch dolphins play.”

Moore’s chief investment officer tried to explain that this way. “It’s a business meeting,” said Patricia Gerrick, “and part of this business meeting happened to take place on a catamaran ride.”

Before the sunset Republicans should have had that statement in a television ad that said, This is Richard Moore’s definition of ethics. Do you agree with him that catamaran rides lead to higher pension fund returns?

Instead they haven’t criticized Moore or introduced legislation to stop him and voters have taken their silence as a kind of consent. That’s why polls show when it comes to cleaning up corruption, voters don’t see much difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.

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Carter Wrenn

