The Politics of Immigration
The pro-immigration camp, politically, is small. It’s only 10-20% of the voters. They are mostly liberals though not all liberals – by any means – support the President’s plan to legalize twelve million illegal immigrants.
The anti-immigration camp is huge. Roughly 70% of the voters. They are primarily Republicans and conservatives. But not entirely. Many Independents and Democrats also oppose Bush’s plan.
Which brings us to Wall Street. Which also supports increasing immigration.
Wall Street has virtually no base in terms of votes. But it has money. And – to put it in its crudest terms – money can buy political support in Congress. It happens all the time. Legally, through contributions. And by putting a legion of lobbyists to work day and night. And in the Bush administration corporate America has one of the most pro-Wall Street governments in years.
A public debate, politically, over legalizing 12 million illegal immigrants would almost certainly end in a defeat for President Bush. But this is no longer just a political debate. Wall Street is flexing its “insider” muscle to help pass his bill. Does it have the clout to overrule a majority of the American people? We’ll see.
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The Politics of Immigration

The pro-immigration camp, politically, is small. It’s only 10-20% of the voters. They are mostly liberals though not all liberals – by any means – support the President’s plan to legalize twelve million illegal immigrants.
The anti-immigration camp is huge. Roughly 70% of the voters. They are primarily Republicans and conservatives. But not entirely. Many Independents and Democrats also oppose Bush’s plan.
Which brings us to Wall Street. Which also supports increasing immigration.
Wall Street has virtually no base in terms of votes. But it has money. And – to put it in its crudest terms – money can buy political support in Congress. It happens all the time. Legally, through contributions. And by putting a legion of lobbyists to work day and night. And in the Bush administration corporate America has one of the most pro-Wall Street governments in years.
A public debate, politically, over legalizing 12 million illegal immigrants would almost certainly end in a defeat for President Bush. But this is no longer just a political debate. Wall Street is flexing its “insider” muscle to help pass his bill. Does it have the clout to overrule a majority of the American people? We’ll see.
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