The Phony War Debate
General Petraeus made clear in his congressional testimony that we’re not winning the war. His only argument against withdrawing is that things will get worse.
As Senator Joe Biden observed, Americans will not long tolerate a war whose only purpose is to keep things from getting worse.
President Bush, who virtually abdicated to Petraeus, threw up his hands and dumped the problem on the next President.
The Democrats in Congress and on the campaign trail preened and postured, but don’t have any immediate solution.
The key figure now is Republican Senator John Warner of
The general said he didn’t know the answer to that one.
Then don’t expect the American people to let politicians keep kicking this issue around until the next election.
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The Phony War Debate

General Petraeus made clear in his congressional testimony that we’re not winning the war. His only argument against withdrawing is that things will get worse.
As Senator Joe Biden observed, Americans will not long tolerate a war whose only purpose is to keep things from getting worse.
President Bush, who virtually abdicated to Petraeus, threw up his hands and dumped the problem on the next President.
The Democrats in Congress and on the campaign trail preened and postured, but don’t have any immediate solution.
The key figure now is Republican Senator John Warner of
The general said he didn’t know the answer to that one.
Then don’t expect the American people to let politicians keep kicking this issue around until the next election.
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