The Lost Ark
June 2, 2010 - by
I reckon there’s no doubt the folks showing up at Tea Party rallies have the politicians in Washington – both Republican and Democrat – all shook up but, at the same time, I’ve got a feeling the Tea Partiers may be facing a hard lesson of their own: That sometimes it’s the fellow sitting in the front pew of your meeting singing loudest you have to keep an eye on.
For instance, the other day the Charlotte Observer reported Tim D’Annunzio – who has proclaimed himself a Tea Party candidate (running for Congress in the 8th District) far and wide – once claimed he’d personally discovered the Lost Ark in Arizona. That’s not a joke – the Charlotte Observer discovered it in legal papers from a lawsuit D’Annunzio’s wife filed explaining why he shouldn’t have custody of their children, and D’Annunzio didn’t deny it.
At the same time, over in Raleigh in the 13th District, Bill Randall – another self-proclaimed Tea Party candidate – was caught plagiarizing his stands on issues from author M. Stanton Evans, a United States Senator, a Congressman and the Republican National Committee.
The lesson here for Tea Partiers: Watch out – not all the charlatans in politics are sitting in Congress. As the Tea Party movement has become powerful it’s attracted a lot of wanna be politicians – like D’Annunzio and Randall – who have hitched a ride on the Tea Party bandwagon hoping it will take them to the political Promised Land. That may work out fine for the aspiring Congressmen – but it could be a problem for the Tea Party loyalists because crusaders and corruption fighters can’t have plagiarizers and Lost Ark finders as their spokesmen.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

The Lost Ark
June 2, 2010/

I reckon there’s no doubt the folks showing up at Tea Party rallies have the politicians in Washington – both Republican and Democrat – all shook up but, at the same time, I’ve got a feeling the Tea Partiers may be facing a hard lesson of their own: That sometimes it’s the fellow sitting in the front pew of your meeting singing loudest you have to keep an eye on.
For instance, the other day the Charlotte Observer reported Tim D’Annunzio – who has proclaimed himself a Tea Party candidate (running for Congress in the 8th District) far and wide – once claimed he’d personally discovered the Lost Ark in Arizona. That’s not a joke – the Charlotte Observer discovered it in legal papers from a lawsuit D’Annunzio’s wife filed explaining why he shouldn’t have custody of their children, and D’Annunzio didn’t deny it.
At the same time, over in Raleigh in the 13th District, Bill Randall – another self-proclaimed Tea Party candidate – was caught plagiarizing his stands on issues from author M. Stanton Evans, a United States Senator, a Congressman and the Republican National Committee.
The lesson here for Tea Partiers: Watch out – not all the charlatans in politics are sitting in Congress. As the Tea Party movement has become powerful it’s attracted a lot of wanna be politicians – like D’Annunzio and Randall – who have hitched a ride on the Tea Party bandwagon hoping it will take them to the political Promised Land. That may work out fine for the aspiring Congressmen – but it could be a problem for the Tea Party loyalists because crusaders and corruption fighters can’t have plagiarizers and Lost Ark finders as their spokesmen.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans