The Grinch Who Stole Gingrich
December 27, 2011 - by
It’s going to be too funny if Newt Gingrich, who took negative politics to a new level in the 1990s, is undone now by negative politics. That’s karma.
If his swoon continues in Iowa, the only way Iowans can pull off their quadrennial surprise is to give a victory to Ron Paul or Rick Santorum. That will be a headline for a couple of days, but will present hardly a speed bump to Mitt Romney.
Nobody seems to have the staying power to beat him over the long haul. Gingrich and Rick Perry couldn’t even get on the ballot in Virginia, for Pete’s sake. Which gave the media an excuse to exclaim in unison that Newt is “disorganized.” It’s one of those times a real event gives reporters and analysts the chance to talk about what they’ve all along viewed as a candidate’s character flaw.
So Democratic opposition researchers need to train their sights on Bain Capital and what Mitt’s hiding in his tax returns. That, possibly combined with Gary Johnson (who may be the most interesting character in the race; click here to read why) and Ron Paul running in November on third-party tickets, may be just the ticket for Democrats.
Posted in General, National Republicans

The Grinch Who Stole Gingrich
December 27, 2011/

It’s going to be too funny if Newt Gingrich, who took negative politics to a new level in the 1990s, is undone now by negative politics. That’s karma.
If his swoon continues in Iowa, the only way Iowans can pull off their quadrennial surprise is to give a victory to Ron Paul or Rick Santorum. That will be a headline for a couple of days, but will present hardly a speed bump to Mitt Romney.
Nobody seems to have the staying power to beat him over the long haul. Gingrich and Rick Perry couldn’t even get on the ballot in Virginia, for Pete’s sake. Which gave the media an excuse to exclaim in unison that Newt is “disorganized.” It’s one of those times a real event gives reporters and analysts the chance to talk about what they’ve all along viewed as a candidate’s character flaw.
So Democratic opposition researchers need to train their sights on Bain Capital and what Mitt’s hiding in his tax returns. That, possibly combined with Gary Johnson (who may be the most interesting character in the race; click here to read why) and Ron Paul running in November on third-party tickets, may be just the ticket for Democrats.
Posted in General, National Republicans