Stuck in the Mud?

I turned on Fox News and there was Donald Trump arms waving at a rally giving a vintage broadside. I thought, This is getting old.

Two polls last week showed Trump trailing Hillary Clinton by 9 points and 12 points nationally. Another poll showed Trump’s Unfavorable rating rising to 70%: And here in North Carolina a poll in May had Trump trailing by 7.

Donald Trump’s slip may only be a blip, a momentary drop to be followed by a bounce after Trump’s popularity hits the floor. But it may be when it comes to unpopularity Trump is about to find himself stuck in the mud at the bottom of the lake for the rest of the election.

It’s been forty years since a Democratic Presidential candidate carried North Carolina by 9 points. If that’s about to happen again, let’s hope folks see the wisdom of electing a lot of Republicans to the House and Senate as a check and balance to Hillary in the White House.

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Carter Wrenn



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Stuck in the Mud?

I turned on Fox News and there was Donald Trump arms waving at a rally giving a vintage broadside. I thought, This is getting old.

Two polls last week showed Trump trailing Hillary Clinton by 9 points and 12 points nationally. Another poll showed Trump’s Unfavorable rating rising to 70%: And here in North Carolina a poll in May had Trump trailing by 7.

Donald Trump’s slip may only be a blip, a momentary drop to be followed by a bounce after Trump’s popularity hits the floor. But it may be when it comes to unpopularity Trump is about to find himself stuck in the mud at the bottom of the lake for the rest of the election.

It’s been forty years since a Democratic Presidential candidate carried North Carolina by 9 points. If that’s about to happen again, let’s hope folks see the wisdom of electing a lot of Republicans to the House and Senate as a check and balance to Hillary in the White House.

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Carter Wrenn

