Stirring the Hornets’ Nest
January 15, 2012 - by
Judging from Sunday’s letters in the N&O, House Republicans certainly have stirred up the state’s teachers. And the NEA has this story about a 10-year teachers’ assistant from Moore County – a Republican herself – who is mad about how the House treated the NCAE and ready to seek revenge.
She says: “The folks who are in charge at the legislature in Raleigh—by their actions—are clearly anti-public education….They think it will weaken NCAE and that it will make our association nothing. But that’s not going to happen. They have awakened a sleeping giant. We are dealing with the future of our children and we will fight tooth and nail for them.”
I haven’t seen a recent poll. But I would guess that teachers’ favorability ratings come in around 70-80 percent and legislators, maybe 20 percent.
The midnight override of Tillis & Co. could come back to haunt them.

Stirring the Hornets’ Nest
January 15, 2012/

Judging from Sunday’s letters in the N&O, House Republicans certainly have stirred up the state’s teachers. And the NEA has this story about a 10-year teachers’ assistant from Moore County – a Republican herself – who is mad about how the House treated the NCAE and ready to seek revenge.
She says: “The folks who are in charge at the legislature in Raleigh—by their actions—are clearly anti-public education….They think it will weaken NCAE and that it will make our association nothing. But that’s not going to happen. They have awakened a sleeping giant. We are dealing with the future of our children and we will fight tooth and nail for them.”
I haven’t seen a recent poll. But I would guess that teachers’ favorability ratings come in around 70-80 percent and legislators, maybe 20 percent.
The midnight override of Tillis & Co. could come back to haunt them.