Sexual Deviance
September 23, 2011 - by
How’s that for a headline to get your attention?
But, seriously. One reason I enjoy this blog is I get insight into viewpoints that differ from mine. This week, I learned something about the attitude toward the gay-marriage amendment and, more to the point, gay people.
I blogged (click here): “A business friend of mine wonders what the impact will be on recruiting jobs. How many companies that need smart and creative people will think twice about coming here or investing here?”
To which a Republican TAPster and frequent (and enjoyable) correspondent replied: “Is your biz friend somehow linking creativity with sexual deviance? Jes’ askin’….”
Well, that’s an interesting question on several levels. No, I thought my friend was saying that some bright and creative people might be gay – or might be put off by North Carolina targeting gays.
More important, the question shows the real divide on this issue. The TAPster believes homosexuality is “sexual deviance.” If you believe that, you logically have to support the amendment. If you don’t, you think the whole things is nuts.
Once up a time (think Nelson Rockefeller), Republicans thought a divorced man shouldn’t be President. Not long after (think Ronald Reagan), it was no longer a problem.
This, too, shall pass.

Sexual Deviance
September 23, 2011/

How’s that for a headline to get your attention?
But, seriously. One reason I enjoy this blog is I get insight into viewpoints that differ from mine. This week, I learned something about the attitude toward the gay-marriage amendment and, more to the point, gay people.
I blogged (click here): “A business friend of mine wonders what the impact will be on recruiting jobs. How many companies that need smart and creative people will think twice about coming here or investing here?”
To which a Republican TAPster and frequent (and enjoyable) correspondent replied: “Is your biz friend somehow linking creativity with sexual deviance? Jes’ askin’….”
Well, that’s an interesting question on several levels. No, I thought my friend was saying that some bright and creative people might be gay – or might be put off by North Carolina targeting gays.
More important, the question shows the real divide on this issue. The TAPster believes homosexuality is “sexual deviance.” If you believe that, you logically have to support the amendment. If you don’t, you think the whole things is nuts.
Once up a time (think Nelson Rockefeller), Republicans thought a divorced man shouldn’t be President. Not long after (think Ronald Reagan), it was no longer a problem.
This, too, shall pass.