September 21, 2011 - by
The other day at lunch a Democratic friend of old Will Patton’s was giving Mr. Patton down the river about Thom Tillis and Phil Berger cutting all the Democratic ‘Sacred Cows’ like ‘More at 4’ and ‘Smart Start’ and laying off teachers and when he’d heard enough Mr. Patton shot back, Well, one thing’s for certain – nobody ever heard of a Democrat supporting a bill to limit his own term as Speaker of the House.
The Democrat blinked. Then snapped, The whole thing’s a ruse. That bill of Thom Tillis’ will never pass. You wait and see.
At the time that seemed unlikely because every Republican legislator supported Speaker Tillis’ term limits bill but it turned out the Democrat was right. Speaker Tillis wanted 4 year term limits and Senate Leader Berger wanted 8 year limits and the result was no limits at all;―so the next time Mr. Patton and his Democratic friend sat down to lunch right off the Democrat quipped, Well, I told you. That whole thing was a charade. Berger and Tillis introduced a phony bill, then trumped up a technicality they disagreed about, and buried it.
Mr. Patton chewed over that. What about Berger’s compromise?
You mean the compromise Berger proposed after the session ended when it was too late to do one thing about it?
Mr. Patton was playing a losing hand and knew it. He changed directions.
Every now and then, he said, even in politics a great idea comes along. And Phil Berger had had one. He’d agreed to limit his own term as head of the Senate to 4 years and Thom Tillis’ term as head of the House to 4 years then said, And while we’re at it we ought to limit the Governor and Lt. Governor to a 4 year term too – which, Mr. Patton said, was a sure way to eliminate a lot of mischief. Then he added, I only see one problem.
What’s that?
Berger ought to make it retroactive.
Posted in National Democrats, National Republicans

September 21, 2011/

The other day at lunch a Democratic friend of old Will Patton’s was giving Mr. Patton down the river about Thom Tillis and Phil Berger cutting all the Democratic ‘Sacred Cows’ like ‘More at 4’ and ‘Smart Start’ and laying off teachers and when he’d heard enough Mr. Patton shot back, Well, one thing’s for certain – nobody ever heard of a Democrat supporting a bill to limit his own term as Speaker of the House.
The Democrat blinked. Then snapped, The whole thing’s a ruse. That bill of Thom Tillis’ will never pass. You wait and see.
At the time that seemed unlikely because every Republican legislator supported Speaker Tillis’ term limits bill but it turned out the Democrat was right. Speaker Tillis wanted 4 year term limits and Senate Leader Berger wanted 8 year limits and the result was no limits at all;―so the next time Mr. Patton and his Democratic friend sat down to lunch right off the Democrat quipped, Well, I told you. That whole thing was a charade. Berger and Tillis introduced a phony bill, then trumped up a technicality they disagreed about, and buried it.
Mr. Patton chewed over that. What about Berger’s compromise?
You mean the compromise Berger proposed after the session ended when it was too late to do one thing about it?
Mr. Patton was playing a losing hand and knew it. He changed directions.
Every now and then, he said, even in politics a great idea comes along. And Phil Berger had had one. He’d agreed to limit his own term as head of the Senate to 4 years and Thom Tillis’ term as head of the House to 4 years then said, And while we’re at it we ought to limit the Governor and Lt. Governor to a 4 year term too – which, Mr. Patton said, was a sure way to eliminate a lot of mischief. Then he added, I only see one problem.
What’s that?
Berger ought to make it retroactive.
Posted in National Democrats, National Republicans