Promoting Mayor Meeker’s Convention Center
November 11, 2005 - by
Two Raleigh public relations firms have been having a ‘little tiff’ over which of them should get the most government contracts. Mayor Meeker’s Convention Center found a unique solution. It hired both.
Capstrat – the Raleigh Public Relations firm – will receive a $12,000 monthly retainer. French/West will receive $4,000 per month.
So, how about that? The Mayor’s Convention Center is still little more than a $192 million hole in the ground and he’s already got two PR firms under contract to promote it.
Whatever happened to, ‘If you build it they will come’?

Promoting Mayor Meeker’s Convention Center
November 11, 2005/

Two Raleigh public relations firms have been having a ‘little tiff’ over which of them should get the most government contracts. Mayor Meeker’s Convention Center found a unique solution. It hired both.
Capstrat – the Raleigh Public Relations firm – will receive a $12,000 monthly retainer. French/West will receive $4,000 per month.
So, how about that? The Mayor’s Convention Center is still little more than a $192 million hole in the ground and he’s already got two PR firms under contract to promote it.
Whatever happened to, ‘If you build it they will come’?