PR 101 – for Refs, Too
February 20, 2012 - by
Listen up, ACC execs and refs: Any Big Shot today has to be open, honest and accountable. No comment and not answering questions won’t cut it.
Full disclosure: I was at the State game Saturday, and I’m a big fan of the Pack. But I pride myself on never getting after the refs (they’re usually right), never booing the other team (even Carolina) and never yelling in frustration at my team. When they do something good, I cheer. Otherwise I keep my mouth shut and wonder how long it will be before some of the fans around me have a stroke.
Plus, there appeared to be some kind of exchange earlier in the game involving the refs and fans sitting near Gugliotta and Corchiani – and maybe the two of them. Watching from above, it looked like something had been brewing for a while. But I didn’t see anything about this earlier incident in any of the media coverage.
That’s the point. The ref might have been justified. But you’ve got to have enough sense to know you can’t toss out two ex-State stars without standing up and explaining yourself.
So why am I blogging about this instead of politics? Because the lesson applies to anybody in government, business or any kind of activity in the public eye. Including a basketball court.
(By the way, best line from a State fan: “The refs threw two of our best players out of the game – and they hadn’t played in 20 years.”)

PR 101 – for Refs, Too
February 20, 2012/

Listen up, ACC execs and refs: Any Big Shot today has to be open, honest and accountable. No comment and not answering questions won’t cut it.
Full disclosure: I was at the State game Saturday, and I’m a big fan of the Pack. But I pride myself on never getting after the refs (they’re usually right), never booing the other team (even Carolina) and never yelling in frustration at my team. When they do something good, I cheer. Otherwise I keep my mouth shut and wonder how long it will be before some of the fans around me have a stroke.
Plus, there appeared to be some kind of exchange earlier in the game involving the refs and fans sitting near Gugliotta and Corchiani – and maybe the two of them. Watching from above, it looked like something had been brewing for a while. But I didn’t see anything about this earlier incident in any of the media coverage.
That’s the point. The ref might have been justified. But you’ve got to have enough sense to know you can’t toss out two ex-State stars without standing up and explaining yourself.
So why am I blogging about this instead of politics? Because the lesson applies to anybody in government, business or any kind of activity in the public eye. Including a basketball court.
(By the way, best line from a State fan: “The refs threw two of our best players out of the game – and they hadn’t played in 20 years.”)