Politics as Usual
August 12, 2011 - by
Washington has done it again. They’ve appointed a ‘Super Committee’ to cut spending only there’s a hitch – the newspapers report the members of the committee have taken three million dollars in campaign contributions, from the special interests who’s spending they’re supposed to cut.
Senator Patti Murray, who’s also taken an additional $1 million in so-called ‘honoree’ payments from lobbyists (meaning the lobbyists’ contributions were sent to members of Congress political committees), says there’s no need to worry: She has, her spokesman says, made a career out of standing up for working families and against special interests.

Politics as Usual
August 12, 2011/

Washington has done it again. They’ve appointed a ‘Super Committee’ to cut spending only there’s a hitch – the newspapers report the members of the committee have taken three million dollars in campaign contributions, from the special interests who’s spending they’re supposed to cut.
Senator Patti Murray, who’s also taken an additional $1 million in so-called ‘honoree’ payments from lobbyists (meaning the lobbyists’ contributions were sent to members of Congress political committees), says there’s no need to worry: She has, her spokesman says, made a career out of standing up for working families and against special interests.