Perdue’s Veto Dilemma
February 3, 2011 - by
Governor Perdue has good reason to be happy the Democratic convention will be in Charlotte next year (see blog below).
But that could also box her in on some critical decisions this year.
Exhibit A: the Republicans’ bill calling for repeal of health-care reform.
Surely, the bill will pass the legislature. Does she then veto it? Her veto may well be overridden, and no governor ever wants to lose a veto fight for fear of looking weak.
But surely the White House will expect – and pressure – her to take a stand against repeal.
The same dynamic will apply on the bill to require voters to provide some form of ID on Election Day. That’s a popular idea – with all voters.
But Democrats – and the White House – fear it could cost Democrats a few thousand critical votes in November 2012.
Again, will the White House pressure Perdue to veto the bill – even in the face of an override?
And she knows that what she does this year will influence how hard Obama campaigns here next year – and whether she benefits from the same kind of surge he generated in 2008.

Perdue’s Veto Dilemma
February 3, 2011/

Governor Perdue has good reason to be happy the Democratic convention will be in Charlotte next year (see blog below).
But that could also box her in on some critical decisions this year.
Exhibit A: the Republicans’ bill calling for repeal of health-care reform.
Surely, the bill will pass the legislature. Does she then veto it? Her veto may well be overridden, and no governor ever wants to lose a veto fight for fear of looking weak.
But surely the White House will expect – and pressure – her to take a stand against repeal.
The same dynamic will apply on the bill to require voters to provide some form of ID on Election Day. That’s a popular idea – with all voters.
But Democrats – and the White House – fear it could cost Democrats a few thousand critical votes in November 2012.
Again, will the White House pressure Perdue to veto the bill – even in the face of an override?
And she knows that what she does this year will influence how hard Obama campaigns here next year – and whether she benefits from the same kind of surge he generated in 2008.