Park the Hypocrisy
Carter has written some hard-hitting pieces lately against the Goodyear-Bridgestone incentives. All the Republican candidates for Governor agree that incentives are bad. So do conservative groups like the John Locke Society. It looks like all good Republican conservatives are against subsidizing private companies.
Or maybe not.
The biggest subsidy boondoggle bubbling today is from North Hills developer John Kane. He wants $75 million in public money to help him build a parking deck.
And who is supporting him? Republicans like City Councilmen Philip Isley and Tommy Craven. And all the
The opposition is being led by Mayor Charles Meeker.
But the Meeker has some explaining to do, too. He pushed for a $45 million subsidy for a downtown parking deck – which serves a private hotel and the city convention center. Of course, he says downtown is different. He wrote in a memo, “It is not good public policy to provide subsidies in development in areas of our City where development is already occurring.”
Presumably, there’s no development going on downtown. All the construction cranes and new buildings sure fooled me.
Isley and Craven both voted against that proposal. They’re the flip-side of Meeker: for subsidies at North Hills and against them downtown.
Council member Jessie Taliaferro has not taken a position on the North Hills deck. She voted against the downtown subsidy. If she didn’t support a $45 million subsidy downtown, she’s not likely to support a $75 million subsidy at North Hills.
She may be the one person with a consistent position.
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Park the Hypocrisy

Carter has written some hard-hitting pieces lately against the Goodyear-Bridgestone incentives. All the Republican candidates for Governor agree that incentives are bad. So do conservative groups like the John Locke Society. It looks like all good Republican conservatives are against subsidizing private companies.
Or maybe not.
The biggest subsidy boondoggle bubbling today is from North Hills developer John Kane. He wants $75 million in public money to help him build a parking deck.
And who is supporting him? Republicans like City Councilmen Philip Isley and Tommy Craven. And all the
The opposition is being led by Mayor Charles Meeker.
But the Meeker has some explaining to do, too. He pushed for a $45 million subsidy for a downtown parking deck – which serves a private hotel and the city convention center. Of course, he says downtown is different. He wrote in a memo, “It is not good public policy to provide subsidies in development in areas of our City where development is already occurring.”
Presumably, there’s no development going on downtown. All the construction cranes and new buildings sure fooled me.
Isley and Craven both voted against that proposal. They’re the flip-side of Meeker: for subsidies at North Hills and against them downtown.
Council member Jessie Taliaferro has not taken a position on the North Hills deck. She voted against the downtown subsidy. If she didn’t support a $45 million subsidy downtown, she’s not likely to support a $75 million subsidy at North Hills.
She may be the one person with a consistent position.
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