Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
The News & Observer (11-14-05) headline blared: “Democrats: Jesus Wouldn’t Cut Aid to Poor” The story told of a curious development: it seems politics has brought three Democratic Congressmen to Jesus. In fairness to Congressmen David Price, Bob Etheridge and Brad Miller they probably found the Lord years ago and I expect that what they…
Read MoreMy dictionary defines “vacuous” as “empty, stupid, senseless.” By that definition, Raleigh’s city elections this year were pretty vacuous. And politics abhors a vacuum. Events in the month since the election make me think we’re about to get a real debate for the next two years – and into the next election. One debate will…
Read MoreSpeaking of mistakes, former Senator, candidate for Vice President and anti-poverty poster boy John Edwards is admitting he made one when he voted for the war in Iraq. Confession is good for the soul and it’s always a pleasant surprise to see a politician admit he made a mistake. But former Senator Edwards’ contrition may…
Read MorePresident Bush’s national secretary adviser, Stephen Hadley, and Republican members of Congress have launched an offensive declaring allegations that the President manipulated intelligence “are flat wrong.” Alright, let’s agree President Bush didn’t mislead anyone. Where does that leave us? It leaves us with one troubling question. Now, let me get this right, Mr. Hadley, we’re…
Read MoreLast week, the News and Observer reported (11-07-05), “Preaching democracy in the largest country in South America, President Bush urged leaders in the region to pursue his ‘vision of hope…’ The newspaper also reported, “The President did not name names. But his remarks appeared unmistakably aimed at Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez…” Now, I’m no expert…
Read MoreGary, I’ll give you this much, in regards to your blog “Politics of Indictments” (posted 11/14/05), you’ve put your finger on what may be the most important issue in politics today: corruption. And not just money corruption. Verbal corruption: spin, the verbal sleight hand, the careful turn of phrase have become an art form both…
Read MoreThe last thing Republicans needed right now was to open a new can of worms but they may have done just that. Senator Bill Frist (and Congressman Dennis Hastert) have called for Congress to investigate the ‘leak’ of classified information to the Washington Post about “a web of secret prisons being used to harass and…
Read MoreIt never does to take politics too seriously. Sometimes, the only defense is a good sense of humor. Far be it from me to criticize anyone for running a negative ad – but the people who make political ads, and the campaigns and candidates do get a little carried away at times. In Virginia, Republican…
Read MoreThe News & Observer ran a front-page article Tuesday on John Edwards’ statement that “I was wrong” to vote for the Iraq war. Edwards announced the switch in an op-ed article that ran in the Washington Post Sunday. But alert bloggers knew what Edwards was going to say more than a month ago. His wife…
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