Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
The indictment of Kevin Geddings in the lottery scandal has opened a unique window on Democratic politics in North Carolina. There are probably only two dozen Democratic consultants and strategists in North Carolina. They live in a small world. They are friends, acquaintances and rivals. A year ago, many of them were swept up in…
Read MoreThis one is circulating on the Internet: Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning. He told Bush that three Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. To everyone’s amazement, all of the color ran from Bush’s face. Then he collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly shaken, almost whimpering. Finally, he composed himself and asked…
Read MoreLast week on this blog, Carter did that voodoo he does so well: attack tax-and-spend Democrats. His target was Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker Here was the money punch: “From 1992 to 2001, under Republican mayors, Raleigh never raised property taxes. Now, under Mayor Meeker we are staring at the second tax increase in three years.…
Read MoreLast week on this blog, Carter did that voodoo he does so well: attack tax-and-spend Democrats. His target was Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker Here was the money punch: “From 1992 to 2001, under Republican mayors, Raleigh never raised property taxes. Now, under Mayor Meeker we are staring at the second tax increase in three years.…
Read MoreGeorge Bush’s moral standards are as low as his poll ratings. Witness his gay-baiting politics. Do I sound like a typical carping little liberal? Well, how about Laura Bush, Dick Cheney and Cheney’s daughter Mary? Over the past few weeks: Laura Bush called on Republicans not to use the Family Marriage Amendment as an issue;…
Read MoreYou have to give Jim Black credit he doesn’t scare easy or at all. Earlier this year, Speaker Black, his optometrist allies and his video poker supporters testified at State Board of Elections hearings investigating allegations of corruption growing out of the ‘pay to play’ scandals. There were revelations of blank checks (without the recipients…
Read MoreWake County School Superintendent Bill McNeal told the News and Observer, (5/16/06) he could never recommend a measly $625 million School Bond. McNeal said he couldn’t put kids in schools with adequate heating, air-conditioning and a roof that doesn’t leak for $625 million. Huh? The superintendent is saying if he doesn’t get a billion dollar…
Read MoreUnder Muammar Qaddafi, Libya bombed a West German discotheque and blew up a Pan Am jetliner over Lockerbie, Scotland and killed 270 people. In March, the United States included Libya on the list of nations that are state sponsors of terrorism. Now, suddenly, all that has changed. The Bush Administration has taken Libya off the…
Read MoreThis is from Charles Sanders, chairman of the North Carolina Lottery Commission – and one of the most honest and capable people in North Carolina. He was talking about indicted former commissioner Kevin Geddings, but could have been talking about a lot of people in politics today: “I don’t understand how people like that get…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
Read MoreCurmudgeonly Cajun James Carville says Democrats just need to “roll over and play dead” and wait…
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