Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
The City of Raleigh’s passed so many new regulations (it now regulates everything from hot dog stands to newspaper boxes) the Council is considering exemptions – but not for everyone. It seems City Hall has discovered regulations are driving up housing costs, so the Council is looking at giving a special exemption from storm water,…
Read MoreIn an odd way Conservative Republicans may be looking at Democrats with something like envy. Because Democrats have so many viable candidates for President. The Moderates have Evan Bayh and John Edwards. The Liberals have Hillary, John Kerry, Al Gore and John Edwards (who’s trying to appeal to everyone). But what about conservative Republicans? Right…
Read MoreThe Jim Baker report on Iraq is a stunning indictment of George Bush’s Iraq war. For that, I’m thankful. But it’s a dishwater-weak response. The report is like too many bipartisan, blue-ribbon reports: mush. The strategy it proposes doesn’t rise to the crisis it describes: “The situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating. There is…
Read MoreOrganized labor was a big winner in the 2006 elections. Not that it was on the ballot. But it strongly supported Democrats. And it will play a major role in the 2008 presidential race – as shown by John Edwards’ recruitment of David Bonior of Michigan to lead his campaign. Unions could also play a…
Read MoreThe next time you look up tenacity in the dictionary you may see House Speaker Jim Black’s picture beside the word. Black’s been hauled before the Board of Elections, the Grand Jury, the federal courts and his nominee for the lottery commission was convicted of fraud but, despite it all, as improbable as it sounds,…
Read MoreMy joy over Democratic victories in 2006 is tempered by my fear over what we might do to screw it all up in 2007. Politicians’ instinctive reaction to victory is too often hubris. When they win, they assume they have license to do everything they’ve ever dreamed of doing, regardless of whether the voters voted…
Read MoreThe latest Gallop Poll of the Democratic and Republican candidates says: Democrats Hillary Clinton 31% Barack Obama 19% John Edwards 10% Al Gore 9% John Kerry 7% Republicans Rudy Giuliani 28% John McCain 26% Condoleezza Rice 13% Newt Gingrich 7% Mitt Romney 5% Pollster Dick Morris (http://www.vote.com/) observed that the poll shows the ‘gender gap’…
Read MoreThe Iraq Security Group led by former Secretary of State Jim Baker is about to release itâs report, and despite all the window dressing about finding a ânew way forwardâ it looks like the bottom line is simple: Letâs get out of Iraq. Of course the politicians and diplomats arenât putting it quite that bluntly,…
Read MoreThomas Friedman wrote in The New York Times recently that Iraqis can’t be having a civil war because they’re not sufficiently organized to have one. But I suspect my fellow Democrats are. And next year’s Raleigh elections may be the first battle of that war. There are two very different schools of thought in the…
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