Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Richard, the Intellectual, sat down at breakfast and out of sheer devilment looked across the table at Mike the Democrat and said, Well, I see in the newspaper this morning Obama’s now gotten the United Nations to officially go ‘gay, lesbian and transgender’ friendly. Ole’ Will Patton, the lawyer, looked up and said, How’s…
Read MoreRobin W. Smith, Assistant Secretary for Environment in the Department of Environment & Natural Resources, took issue with an earlier blog (“Chicken Littles”) about environmental regulation in North Carolina. Smith’s response follows: “I read your recent post about environmental regulation [Chicken Littles] and wanted to provide another perspective. I don’t believe the sky is…
Read MoreAmericans have celebrated the killing of Osama bin Laden. Now we’re debating how quickly to leave Afghanistan. But is there a chance bin Laden is still going to get what he wanted all along? A week or so ago, I picked up a biography (“Osama bin Laden”) written before his death by Michael Scheuer,…
Read MoreBefore it went home the legislature passed Representative George Cleveland’s bill to require employers to use the federal government’s E-verify program to avoid hiring illegal immigrants. Which sounded fine. Until I figured out I’ll have to use E-Verify. Which I’m guessing (since this is the government) may be like figuring out hieroglyphics. Irritated, I thought,…
Read MoreThe way I see it, Richard said putting down the newspaper, those Greek fellows have been living high-on-the-hog and paying for it with borrowed money for years and now half the country’s on the public payroll and the other half’s getting lifetime government pensions and now they can’t borrow anymore so they don’t have the…
Read MoreA friend asked who the winners were in the legislature: Governor Perdue or the Republicans? My answer: both. Thanks to the legislature, Perdue got herself back in the reelection game. By taking on the legislature and wielding some big vetoes, she put some steel into what had been her mushy public image. …
Read MoreJames Carville is still one of the smartest and most perceptive people in politics. Most of all, he knows how to get the hay down to where the goats can get it. So itâs worth sharing his advice to President Obama about the economy, courtesy of CNN: Sir, I’m sure the last thing that you…
Read More“To the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write…thou art neither cold nor hot…” Lukewarm seems to be a political watchword up in Washington when it comes to the war in Libya. The House just voted down legislation giving President Obama the authority to continue the war – so the House is…
Read MoreEvery time there’s a twist or turn in the John Edwards case, I can count on getting a call from a reporter. I’m an accommodating soul – or maybe a publicity hog – so I usually oblige. Truth is, I’d rather stay out of it. But I know they’re looking for a quote from somebody…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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