Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
The most overused political cliché today is that Washington is wasting time talking about deficits and debt when it should be talking about jobs. But thereâs another political cliché that matters here: He who defines the debate wins the race. By that measure, Republicans are hammering President Obama and the Democrats. And itâs…
Read MoreSometimes a picture’s worth a thousand words; this came in over the transom in an email. ————————————– Two Story Outhouse I can’t even think of anything to add to this… Words fail me! This picture is worth 10,000 of them. Yep!!! This pretty much says it all. Needs no additional comments!!!
Read MoreWhen I read this morning about Tony Tata’s school-assignment plan, I recalled what one supporter of the diversity policy told me after meeting Tata earlier this year: “I don’t think this school board knows what they’ve got.” Tata seemed much more progressive than the board’s Republican majority. Perhaps the majority was seduced – and…
Read MoreWe already had one: the commission chaired by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson. Here’s a link to their report, The Moment of Truth: Report of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Since Bowles is a straight shooter and Simpson a plain speaker, I was curious what they say about taxes, which appears…
Read MoreFrom a message standpoint, Governor Perdue is stronger now than President Obama. The New York Times Sunday captured the White House’s dilemma: combat or compromise? The story said: “As the economy worsens, President Obama and his senior aides are considering whether to adopt a more combative approach on economic issues, seeking to highlight…
Read MoreThis is how it’s going to be for the next 14 months. Last week, the hot political story was Democrats mad at President Obama. Now, the story is his would-be opponents – especially Romney, Perry and Bachmann. And therein lies a lesson. Here’s what dominated the media/blogosphere chatter this weekend: How weird are Bachmann’s…
Read MoreRick Perry is the Republican flavor of the month. He’s got it all: a record of bringing jobs to Texas, a direct line to God, money, hair, cowboy boots and support from every wing of the Republican Party, from the right wing to the extreme right wing to the off-the-edge-of-the-earth right wing. But now…
Read MoreHere’s a TAPster who earns two beers by sending me two rants. First, on the debt-ceiling deal. “I respectfully disagree with one of your recent posts regarding the Republicans winning the budget and deficit funding battle. If they won, see what they have given us. Their precious philosophy, commitments to no taxes and…
Read MoreWashington has done it again. They’ve appointed a ‘Super Committee’ to cut spending only there’s a hitch – the newspapers report the members of the committee have taken three million dollars in campaign contributions, from the special interests who’s spending they’re supposed to cut. Senator Patti Murray, who’s also taken an additional $1 million…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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