Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Rep. Bill Faison said out loud what Raleigh is whispering when he told WRAL’s Laura Leslie: “I certainly am aware that Perdue has her own problems, including the possibility of imminent indictments against some of her very close associates.” The rumor mill is churning: Will the Governor decide not to run in 2012? Then…
Read MoreThe other day at lunch a Democratic friend of old Will Patton’s was giving Mr. Patton down the river about Thom Tillis and Phil Berger cutting all the Democratic ‘Sacred Cows’ like ‘More at 4’ and ‘Smart Start’ and laying off teachers and when he’d heard enough Mr. Patton shot back, Well, one thing’s for…
Read MoreIn the 1980s, Democrats were in disarray and Ronald Reagan stood astride the political world like a colossus. Then, as today, Democrats comforted themselves by saying: “Polls show the American people agree with us, not him, on the issues.” Yep, they did. Go through a list of issues, just like today, and the…
Read MoreLast fall Congressman Bob Etheridge lost his re-election bid and suddenly – after thirty-two years in public office – found himself out of a job. But only for a month. The nimble Congressman quickly landed himself a new job (earning $98,500) as North Carolina’s ‘Economic Stimulus Czar’ passing out President Obama’s ‘Economic Stimulus Funds.’ Then…
Read MoreConstitutional amendments banning gay marriage passed overwhelmingly in other Southern states, I’m told, so one is likely to pass here, too. But think of the unintended consequences that may result. Republicans apparently realized that a November 2012 referendum might bring out a group of anti-gay marriage voters the GOP doesn’t want to encourage:…
Read MoreFor a decade Raleigh’s Mayor’s elections have been tales of Democrats trouncing Republicans which isn’t surprising as Democrats outnumber Republicans two to one but this year there’s an unheard of twist in the Mayor’s race: No Democratic candidate. Instead there are two Republicans and an Independent. Democratic Mayor Charles Meeker – who’s retiring –…
Read MoreAs far as some Democrats are concerned, the only thing wrong with James Carville’s “Panic, Fire, Indict, Fight” advice for President Obama is that, for once, old James didn’t go far enough. It’s time, they say, for President Obama to consider standing down next year and letting another Democrat (read, Hillary Clinton) take the…
Read MoreA little over a year ago an old friend (and Jesse Helms supporter) asked me to drive down to Albemarle to meet with a group of Republicans to help them in their fight with Alcoa Corporation. To make a long story short the argument between the local Republican County Commissioners and Alcoa boils down…
Read MoreJames Carville has a way of cutting to the chase. A TAPster sent along what he said on CNN this week: “People often ask me what advice I would give the White House about various things. Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question.…
Read MoreWith a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
Read MoreOnce upon a time, there was a great and powerful newspaper: The News & Observer. Everybody…
Read MoreThe shouting, sign-waving and cane-wielding by congressional Democrats at the State of the Union isn’t a…
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