Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Bill Clinton last week became the third big-name Democrat – after Ed Rendell and Cory Booker – to question attacking Mitt Romney’s Bain record. Some North Carolina Democrats are similarly skittish about the ads attacking Pat McCrory’s record. Now, we love Big Dog Bill. But he always seems to find inconvenient times to…
Read MoreA male TAPster with years of lobbying experience took issue with Mandy Locke’s revealing (pardon the expression) story in the N&O, “Legislators, lobbyists mix business with pleasure.” The TAPster writes: “The N&O’s weekend story about the plight of women lobbyists was another new low point in the paper’s coverage of politics. It hit…
Read MoreWe all know one of those ‘Eeyores’ who whatever happens can’t help seeing a dark lining in every silver cloud, but most times when a fellow’s handed a blessing he didn’t earn or expect he just naturally starts looking on his future with more optimism. Since the last election there’s been a happy mantra…
Read MoreSuddenly the Republican chorus howling for justice has gone silent. The chorus was in full cry for John Edwards, Mike Easley and Bev Perdue. Now comes Charles Thomas. Like Edwards, Thomas held a position of public trust and power. Like Edwards, Thomas cheated on his wife. Like Edwards, Thomas’s wife had cancer. …
Read MoreWith the election roaring down the homestretch, last weekend Republican leaders gathered at their convention in Greensboro (to gird for the final battle with Obama) and who did they choose to give voice to the party’s leaders and say to voters, We have the wisdom and character to lead the country through storm and turmoil…
Read MoreWade Smith wisely advised that John Edwards plant a garden and bide his time before finding a new endeavor. A less philosophical and forgiving soul might have a different suggestion for Edwards’s new life. No, there won’t be any return to politics. But suppose Edwards bides his time until his nemesis George Holding (former…
Read MoreJohn Edwards wasn’t found guilty, but the federal government certainly was – of overreach, incompetence or both. Here’s how bad the U.S. Attorneys Office and Justice Department bungled: They indicted the most despised politician in America – a man a jury might want to convict just on general principle. The government throws at him…
Read MoreA Tapster submitted this blog about the John Edwards verdict.: The John Edwards verdict hopefully ends a decade-long parade of Democrats doing the perp walk to federal and state courthouses to atone for political and financial misdeeds. Our ears ring from the sound of judges’ gavels banging down on the careers of Mike Easley,…
Read MoreThere’s no point wondering what Donald Trump was thinking when he dragged the “birther” dead horse back into Mitt Romney’s stable. What’s inside Trump’s head is even more ridiculous than the hair on top. But here’s a question more to the point – from a friend visiting elderly relatives and subjected to days-long exposure…
Read MoreCurmudgeonly Cajun James Carville says Democrats just need to “roll over and play dead” and wait…
Read MoreTrump raised tariffs. Said tariffs are beautiful. The next day, about facing, said automakers didn’t have…
Read MoreA legend in politics, with a sneaky streak but a kind heart, Paddy sat down in…
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