Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Where was this when I needed it? TheNew York Times reports that the Obama and Romney campaigns are insisting on the power to review and edit their quotes before journalists can use them. And news outlets go along, including the Times, Bloomberg, the Washington Post, Vanity Fair and Reuters. The story says: “The…
Read MoreOf all the ridiculous political-spin phrases ever, this one is up there with John Kerry’s “I voted for it before I voted against it.” It came Sunday from senior Mitt Romney campaign adviser Ed Gillespie. He was trying to spin his way through CNN’s “State of the Union.” Specifically, he was insisting that Romney…
Read MoreThe Obama campaign has drawn blood. For the first time in this campaign, they have their teeth into Mitt Romney. And if he doesn’t escape, his candidacy could bleed to death before he accepts the nomination in Tampa. Two weeks ago, Romney thought he had Obama trapped – by making him the symbol for…
Read MoreSometimes Iâm naïve. I didnât get why Rep. Harold Brubaker was resigning in the middle of his House term. Heâs been in the legislature since Governor O. Max Gardnerâs administration â or something like that. He was Speaker in the 90s. He is one of the most powerful members of the House. His party…
Read MoreThe mainstream media is obsessed about potential problems with the Democratic convention in Charlotte. Will labor and liberals protest and boycott? Will Charlotte and the party raise enough money? Was it a good choice in light of Democrats’ problems in North Carolina? Etc., etc. Get real. Nobody is going to cast their vote…
Read MoreThe most watched campaign in North Carolina this fall will be the Presidential race but the second most watched race may not be the Governor’s race – it may be the race between Paul Newby and Sam Ervin for the lone Supreme Court seat. The way Republicans see it, sooner or later, the Democrats’…
Read MoreMethinks the fracking freakout by Democrats is overwrought and overdone. And Becky Carney need not contemplate hari-kari. Maybe it’s age. Or maybe it’s that for too many years I’ve heard too many dire warnings about how some legislative action is certain to lead to environmental devastation. It never does. And every time something…
Read MoreNorth Carolina’s most famous Democrat, Jim Hunt, ran for statewide office six times and each time gave the liberal Democrat running for President a wide berth – and so did Mike Easley when he ran in 2000 (Al Gore) and 2004 (John Kerry). And no one thought much of it. But now two Democratic…
Read MorePresident Obama is the LeBron James of politics. No one else in the game inspires the same passions – pro and con. No one else has the same political skills. No one else can put as many points on the board – for both sides. For all the talk about Mitt Romney –…
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