Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
The decision about Obamacare highlights the tension that will mark North Carolina’s politics the next four years. The tension stems from an election that saw the nation go in one direction (largely Democratic) and North Carolina in another (almost all Republican). When political partisans win an election, they tend to believe that an…
Read MoreBack before the election I wrote a lot about the importance of money in campaigns and how the Democrats were in trouble because of a lack of it. The NC Free Enterprise Foundation has just published a report on campaign spending during the 3rd Quarter, which ended just before the election. There were a…
Read MoreA TAPster takes issue with the blog criticizing Bob Etheridge for running against Walter Dalton: “I disagree with the argument that Bobby Etheridge caused Dalton’s defeat. If anything, the primary gave Dalton an opportunity to take his case to the public sooner rather than later. It is true that Perdue’s midnight decision put Dalton…
Read MorePardon me for plugging an old friend, but you should check out what’s happening at the Research Triangle Park under new President & CEO Bob Geolas. Last week, the Park rolled out its new master plan. It envisions more urban-type centers to complement the consummate campus setting. New companies, new talent and new minds…
Read MoreThe day after the election House Republican Leader John Boehner faced a tough question: Would he compromise with Obama or not? It was a Hobson’s Choice. Either way he was walking into a political minefield. In the end Speaker Boehner threw what looked like a compromise on the table – in effect, saying to…
Read MoreA TAPster asks a good question: “Why does nobody, or certainly almost nobody, mention Bob Etheridge by name when describing the factors that lead to Walter Dalton’s defeat? While Etheridge certainly wasn’t the sole source of Dalton’s problems, Etheridge certainly sucked every last dollar out of Dalton’s bank account thru early summer, leaving Dalton…
Read MoreOver on The Atlantic magazine’s website the liberal reporters were having a happy day after the election but not, as you’d expect, by celebrating Obama’s victory – instead, they were having a fine time ribbing conservative pundits from Ann Coulter to Karl Rove because they had said the polls that showed Obama leading Mitt Romney…
Read MoreThis election’s winners include not only data nerds like Nate Silver, but also the Obama campaign’s numbers-crunchers. Wasn’t data analysis supposed to be Romney’s strength at Bain and the Olympics? The Obama staff – parodied as a bunch of soft-headed, socialist community organizers – were precise and efficient in their targeting and resource allocation.…
Read MoreLast Tuesday, nationally, was a pretty fine day for Democrats: President Obama not only won, Democrats gained Senate seats, House seats, four states voted for gay marriage and two states voted for legalizing medical marijuana. Since the morning after the election the TV and newspaper pundits have been gesticulating furiously over who’s to blame…
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