Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Don’t underestimate how much the Newtown killings can change politics. It has happened before. In 1995, President Clinton was struggling to be relevant in a Washington dominated by Newt Gingrich and his newly triumphant Republican majority. Then came the Oklahoma City bombing. Seizing the moment, Clinton spoke for the nation’s grief and anger. The…
Read MoreAfter news broke about the cold-blooded murder of six- and seven-year-old children, some people said, “Now is not the time to debate gun control – it’s time to grieve.” Now it’s time to debate gun control. On Friday, President Obama led the grieving. Often mocked for his Spock-like demeanor, he showed more emotion…
Read MoreBehind the controversy over Governor-elect McCrory’s foundation-fundraiser on Inaugural Day, there’s a story about “shadow governments.” Since Democrats have time on their hands, they should take note of how these governments-in-waiting can develop ideas, leaders and public support. Exhibit A is the John Locke Foundation. You may not like it, but give Art…
Read MorePat McCrory ran against a “pay-to-play culture of corruption.” Now his inauguration day features what looks like a special-interest money grab. His foundation fundraiser gives critics and the media an easy, negative story line for his administration. His strategy is: Suck up as much money as you can in anonymous corporate gifts. Plow…
Read MoreAt breakfast the other morning Tom, who’s liberal, folded back the page of his newspaper and slid it across the table to Mike, who’s conservative, rapped the headline with his finger, and said, ‘Now, that’s what I call progress.’ Mike glanced down at the headline – West Point Chapel Hosts Gay Wedding. And laughed.…
Read MoreOne thing I enjoy about this blog is learning how Carter and his political crowd see the world. It’s a lot different from how my crowd sees it. I mention this because it drives some of my friends crazy that I associate in any way with Carter. One said he avoided me for two years because…
Read MoreGary’s progressive but he’s also old-fashioned so a year ago when he said, ‘You know, you ought to use Twitter’– he surprised me. ‘I expect,’ I said, ‘Twitter’s too young for my blood.’ ‘Use it like an old-fashioned clipping service,’ he said. Back in the old days, in the dark ages before…
Read MoreHere’s some sincere transition advice for Governor-elect McCrory – from somebody who’s been there: Focus on your key staff first, then your Cabinet. Every incoming Governor and President makes a big show about Cabinet appointments. Too often, they short-shift their key staff. Two examples: The Chief of Staff and the Communications Director will…
Read MoreThe biggest demographic problem for the Republican Party may not be Hispanics, but cities – and increasing urbanization. In 2012, Democrats won in cities, and Republicans won outside the cities. The more urban a state’s population, the more likely it voted for Obama. Unfortunately for Republicans – in North Carolina and nationally –…
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