Carter Wrenn

Gary Pearce
Colon Willoughby, the District Attorney, is catching it from all sides. Faced with the chore of prosecuting hundreds of ‘Moral Monday’ demonstrators, Willoughby suggested to the protestors they were wreaking more havoc on the Wake County Courts than on Republicans and politely suggested maybe they ought to reconsider the virtues of getting themselves arrested…
Read MoreA TAPster offers an intriguing strategy for Democrats: “Kay Hagan should run for governor. “She should forget the US Senate, where nothing ever happens and there’s little chance to help her fellow North Carolinians, and come home. She can beat Pat McCrory, especially if his leadership continues to be weak or he is…
Read MoreIn a sure sign of how much they fear her, Republicans suggest that Hillary Clinton would be too old – 69 in 2016 – to be President. (Hey, 69 isn’t so old!) “She’s been around since the ’70s,” one Republican operative said. Another: It would be “a rerun of ‘The Golden Girls’.” …
Read MoreCongressman George Holding richly deserves a second blog-whacking for this. He wrote a letter to the N&O criticizing President Obama for spending tax money to go to Africa. (Why didn’t he criticize the President’s trip to Europe?) Holding wrote: “We need to rein in government spending – and this trip shows a lack…
Read MoreSince Republicans stuck abortion restrictions on a bill about Islamic law, why don’t they go ahead and make women wear veils, scarves and robes? Apparently they’re inspired by Texas Governor Rick Perry. Now watch North Carolina women get fired up like Wendy Davis. This will be a test for Governor McCrory. Will he…
Read MoreA Republican lobbyist wondered: “What has the world come to when Art Pope is a voice of restraint on cutting taxes and spending?” Art Pope? The Democrats’ favorite demon? The radical, anti-government archfiend? Has he become a big government liberal? Or is this just a sign of how far off the edge of the…
Read MoreBack during the Korean War, when the Marines were surrounded by the Chinese at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, a reporter asked Major General Oliver P. Smith if he was retreating and Smith said, “Retreat, hell! We’re not retreating, we’re just advancing in a different direction.” That was tough leadership. Back in the 1990’s…
Read MoreThe Republican powers-that-be in Raleigh – the House, Senate and Governor – locked horns last week in a three-way tug-of-war, each offering their own road to economic salvation. In a matter of hours the conflagration (over tax reform and whose loopholes to close or not close) spawned a welter of statistics and charts even…
Read MoreHaving bullied their foes all session, legislative Republicans now have turned to bullying each other. And Governor McCrory did what he does best: he left town. As legislatures often do at the end of session, this one has deteriorated into disagreement, dissension and mutual disgust. Chief Senate Bully Tom Apodaca took all House…
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