Obama in Berlin

I’ve decided to strike another blow for partisanship. Because Barack Obama’s really beginning to trouble me.

Not content running for President of the United States, he’s now running for President or Prime Minister or whatever it is in Europe too. And his appeal seems to be intercontinental. Two hundred thousand Germans poured into a Berlin plaza, swooning as he delivered what one reporter called a “tone poem to American and European ideals.”

Now, no doubt Obama could sing tenor with a chorus of angels. But if you listen to the words he doesn’t say anything. The melody’s fine. The harmony’s wonderful. But the lyrics are like a pop song crooning about “our common humanity.”

He serenaded the Germans about the evils of nuclear arms, AIDS, poverty in Bangladesh and Muslim extremism, then walked off the stage without saying what he means to do about any of them.

He articulates one helluva high-sounding sales pitch, but so does a guy selling a pig in a poke.

No politician ever appealed to so many for so long with so little. But it’s working. Even in Berlin.

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Carter Wrenn



Obama in Berlin

I’ve decided to strike another blow for partisanship. Because Barack Obama’s really beginning to trouble me.

Not content running for President of the United States, he’s now running for President or Prime Minister or whatever it is in Europe too. And his appeal seems to be intercontinental. Two hundred thousand Germans poured into a Berlin plaza, swooning as he delivered what one reporter called a “tone poem to American and European ideals.”

Now, no doubt Obama could sing tenor with a chorus of angels. But if you listen to the words he doesn’t say anything. The melody’s fine. The harmony’s wonderful. But the lyrics are like a pop song crooning about “our common humanity.”

He serenaded the Germans about the evils of nuclear arms, AIDS, poverty in Bangladesh and Muslim extremism, then walked off the stage without saying what he means to do about any of them.

He articulates one helluva high-sounding sales pitch, but so does a guy selling a pig in a poke.

No politician ever appealed to so many for so long with so little. But it’s working. Even in Berlin.

Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.

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Carter Wrenn

